~love hurts, betrayal kills~

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The song for this chapter is Reverse this curse. I hope you like this story so far, this chapter is dedicated to @insaneweirdness again, since she's always there for me ! This chapter may be a little longer, so I hope you have time ! The story will get happier in the next chapter I swear ! I love you all so much, thanks again for reading this ~

Ronnie's pov

I was furious. How could she do that ?! Without even thinking I knocked down a shelf in the store and stormed out, pushing a shocked Derek out of my way. All I wanted was to turn back time. Reverse this curse. That's ironic. As soon as I entered the bus, Mia came in begging me to listen to her.

" Let me explain ! It's not like that, please ! Ronnie I love you, I don't want to lose you !"

" YOU RUINED EVERYTHING ! It's too late now, I can't love someone like that !" I spat out.

I felt so hurt and betrayed, I felt the anger rise, so without even thinking I turned around and punched a hole in the mirror on the wall. Pain shot through my arm, but I felt all the anger slip away, replaced by insecurity and sadness. Jacky came through the door and grabbed my arm so I would sit down. He went to go get bandages, but I turned to see Mia backed into a corner, looking at me, her delicate face distorted by sadness and fear. It broke my heart. How could she ? I thought she was different, I thought she loved me !

Rachel's pov

When I followed Jacky into the tour bus and saw Ronnie's bloody knuckles, I thought he had hurt someone. But then I saw the look on his face and the shattered mirror, and I understood. As he saw me, his eyes were full of hatred, so I ran to my friend instead.

" Mia talk to me ! What the fuck happened ?!" I screamed, wrapping my arms around her.

She looked like she was about to break into a million pieces, and her heart probably already had. The bus started right after Derek came in. I pointed to the stars outside because I thought that they might make Mia feel better. The darkness and night always calmed her down. But she just shook her head and kept staring at her hands as if she could see right through them.

We were all scared and confused, and Derek, Jacky and me had no idea what was going on. Derek spoke first.

" So.... Can one of you explain ?" none of them answered.

" I... I... I saw him... " Mia whispered, clearly terrified

But then suddenly it hit me. I knew right away what had happened. The only thing that could make him hate her.


I was coming home from school, walking in a small alley, when I saw one of the school jocks (I think his name was Mike) pinning a girl to the wall. She looked so scared, but didn't fight back. When I saw him running his hands under her shirt and bitting on her neck so hard she wimpered, I started freaking out. I ran out of the shadows and pushed him off of her. He looked as if he was about to kill me, but just walked away, fuming. The girl was wearing black high heels, a very tight crop top and skinny jeans. She was crying and just collapsed into my arms, as I sat us on a bench.

" Shhh.... It's okay now, tell me what happened. " I told her, trying to sound calm even though I was in shock.

After sobbing some more, she started talking.

" My parents kicked me out two weeks ago, so I needed money. I was desperate ! He told me he would pay me and be nice, just a kiss, but he went too far... and... I..." she couldn't even speak anymore, so I put my arm around her shoulder.

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