~the calm always comes after the storm~

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The song for the chapter is The day I left the womb, I hope you enjoy ! The end of this chapter will be about everything falling back into place. Sorry for making it sad, I write my emotions, so hopefully it will get happier soon. Also I was wondering if I should make a sequel. I've also been wanting to write a Nick Matthews fanfic for a while. What do you guys think I should do ? I love you all, stay awesome ~

Mia's pov

Refusing his kiss and leaving was one of the hardest things that I had ever done. Each step I took felt like an axe cutting though my chest. My breathing was getting desperate and I was grasping for air, stumbling to the couch trying to see through my tears. When I finally got to it, black spots were blocking my vision and my knees were shaking. I know this feeling ! I thought in fear. I stuggled to sit, but just collapsed and everything went black. Pain shot through my back and wrist, but soon enough I didn't feel anything anymore. Fuck.

Ronnie's pov

She just left me. Those four words kept running through my head. I sat on the bed, my legs hanging on the side. She didn't even take any blanket. She hates me so much ! Why do I always fuck up the things that matter to me ?

At one in the morning, I slipped out of my bead to see how she was doing. As soon as I saw her position, I knew something was up. Her neck was at a weird angle, her legs and arms were tangled all together in a mess and her wrist was bloody.

Before I even knew what I was doing, I called an ambulance and picked her up. She layed lifeless in my arms and I sobbed in her hair, salty tears mixing with her smell. Please be ok, please be ok, please be ok.... Her face was peacefull, as if she was sleeping, but her breathing slowed down every second. No ! NO ! NO THIS CAN'T HAPPEN !

I heard footsteps walking in my direction. Someone took her away from me, and I tried to protest but I couldn't speak. As soon as she was gone, I was lifted into an ambulance next to her. The flashing lights, the people talking loud all around, it was too much. Thankfully someone else came in and shut the door. I refused to take my eyes off of her, even to see who was putting their hand on my shoulder to try and reassure me. I entwined our fingers together and started singing softly.

If I had to

I would put myself right beside you

So let me ask

Would you like that?

Would you like that?

And I don't mind

If you say this love is the last time

So now I'll ask

Do you like that?

Do you like that?


Something's getting in the way.

Something's just about to break.

I will try to find my place in the diary of Jane.

So tell me how it should be.

Try to find out what makes you tick.

As I lie down

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