Three Newbies

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🌊Juvia of the sunshower💦

A bead of rainwater slides off Juvia's umbrella and lands on her shoe. Splat. She eyes the dark clouds up in the heavens; her spine strains at the movement. Juvia doesn't know how long it has been since the last time she raised her head, but her body does. Her body knows what movement is familiar and what is not. Her body knows she has never seen the sky in any colour other than grey.

And that is how Juvia's freshman (9th) year begins: With a thunderstorm raging overhead and a million date requests waiting in her locker at the school. She only goes on dates on rainy days, and thus the nickname- Juvia of the sunshower. 

But sunshowers don't suit a girl who has only ever heard of the sun's radiance in fairy tales. Juvia cannot be the one bearing this title. She cannot be this lively, charming girl who has fling after fling. She cannot be this girl people recognise as their love rival. She cannot be this girl who dances in the rain and brightens up every room she enters.

She can only be Juvia Lockser. She can only be that gloomy, miserable girl who got abandoned by her parents and bullied at her orphanage.

Drip. Drop. Juvia closes her eyes while the beautiful rhythm of the rain echoes in her ears. She underestimated the effect the words and actions of those kids had, and still have, on her.

Juvia wants to hurt them as they did to her. Juvia wants to have a body and mind of water so no one can touch her, physically or mentally.

Juvia wants to be one with the rain. So she can fall into a puddle on the ground like a raindrop. Pitter-patter. Plot.

Pitter-patter. Plot.


Juvia looks at the person, a gentle smile spreading across her face, and her thoughts fall from her mind onto the earth, like a raindrop.


The two bluenetts hug each other, their umbrella clattering onto the concrete. Levy-san is still tiny. It is part of her charm. Juvia wonders what romance book character 'Levy-out-of-the-pages' is going to be this term. Maybe Cinderella or Snow White.

They break apart with huge grins plastered on their faces. Juvia scans around the park in front of the girls' dorms for her other friend, a frown taking over her features.

"Where is Lucy-san?"

"I thought she was here already."

Lucy-san is always early on the first day of terms, but now it is seventeen minutes to the bell. They will all be late if she doesn't arrive within two minutes.

"I can go to Lu-chan's room if-"


Huffing and puffing, Lucy-san skids to a halt in front of Juvia and Levy-san. Her back in the direction of the school and a crazy grin plastered on her adorable face.

"I did it!" She exclaims with pure joy shining in her eyes. "The Headmaster said I don't need to get a parent to sign the permission forms anymore. So I won't be missing out on this year's activities!"

Levy-san is the first to respond. "That is great, Lu-chan!" She yells, pouncing on the blonde and squeezing the life out of her. "We are going to a water park this year!"

Juvia joins Levy-san in the hell of a hug. "Juvia is so happy for you, Lucy-san! She will even pick a swimsuit for you later!"

"N-No thanks."

Lucy-san wiggles out of their grasp, giggles, gasps and heaves all over the place. And although Juvia never quite understood the concept of a 'father' and 'family', she feels something blossom like a rose in the middle of winter in her heart. It is so warm... So cold... So beautiful... So unbelievably beyond human comprehension... And it makes her so glad for her friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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