Chapter 4

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    After a few months, and a lot of impatient yelling from the possible twins, Ghoul was able to at least mostly hit a target.

    “Okay.” Vamos said, a little annoyed. “Where the heck is Val? We haven’t seen much of him in months!”

    “Not sure.” Vaya said. “He’s likely at the radio shack with the DJ and poet.”

    “Ghoul, get your shoes on. We are going to figure out why Val has been gone for so long.” Vaya told him.

    “Alright.” Ghoul said as he did so and got into the car with the two.

    It was a long ride, but they made it to the abandoned shack. The three hopped out and Vamos just walked in, the other two close behind. Ghoul saw three kids near his age happily chatting with each other. He happened to overhear part of the conversation. 

    “We only need Aaron here with us, then we will be the same old group we had been three years ago!” The oldest said excitedly.

    “Kai? Jack? Parker?”

    The three turned to him. “Aaron?!”

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