A Lead

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It was a week after the sports festival. Shinsou managed to get into the hero course, while Izuku didn't even pass the first challenge, getting frozen to the ground by Todoroki alongside many others. Not that he cared, Todoroki just gave him an excuse to not make any effort.

'I was frozen to the ground!' or 'Not much a quirkless people like me could do against such a powerful quirk' were just a few examples he gave. Anyway, currently Izuku was helping his mom with her weekly groceries.

"Thank you so much, Izuku," Inko smiled, as she thanked her son for the help. "I'm glad you're helping me."

"Of course mom," Izuku smiled. "With UA starting a dormitory system in a few weeks... We won't have a lot of time together even after school hours." '-And I won't be able to send out a lot of plans or information anytime soon...'

After the USJ attack, Nedzu decided to create the UA Dorms. Izuku, once again, had no real reason to say no- other than MAYBE the attack on the USJ. But that didn't directly impact him as a Gen Ed student, even his overbearing mother could tell that much.

Izuku sighed- 'Maybe I should have tried for the hero course...'

"What was that, hun?" Inko asked. Her son mumbled a lot, and she usually didn't mind or pay much attention- but she definitely heard 'hero course'.

"Oh, nothing mom," Izuku smiled, as he adjusted his grip on the bags he was carrying.

"Oh dear, look!" Inko pointed, with a smile on her face. Izuku froze-

'Detective Tsukauchi... The lead detective on the 'DEKU' case...'

"Hello, Tsukauchi!" Inko waved to her friend.

"Ahh Ms. Midoriya!" Tsukauchi smiled. "Long time no see! It's great to see you again!"

"Yes, it is," Inko said. "Oh, I don't think you've met my son, Izuku!"

"H-Hello!" Izuku stuttered out. Izuku stepped behind his mother.

"Oh don't mind him," Inko sighed, as her son's more timid side came out. "He's just shy due to some... bullying... back in middle school. Don't worry sweetie..." Inko turned to her son. "The detective here, won't treat you like a... what was it...? Deku?"

Tsukauchi's eyes widened- "What did you just say?"

"Oh sorry. I was talking out loud again," Inko sighed, as she turned back to Tsukauchi. "It's nothing just an old insult."

The detective, who was still a bit shocked, asked- "If it's not too sore of a subject- Deku? What does that mean?"

"It's Kenji f-for u-useless," Izuku muttered. "K-kacchan used t-to call me, d-deku, a lot. Though, I'm pretty sure he'd call any person he deemed 'useless' that..."

"Oh," Tsukauchi muttered.

"Why?" Izuku asked, with a worried expression.

"Nothing," Tsukauchi sighed, with a smile. "I guess I'm just a little over-worked with this new case."

"Oh maybe we could go to lunch once Izuku moves into UA dorms later this month!" Inko smiled. Izuku started sweating, UA student = Possible UA traitor, Deku+Bullying = name+motive.

"Oh you go to UA?" Tsukauchi caught Izuku's attention. 'Maybe I can save this...'

"Oh, y-yes s-sir!" Izuku muttered. "But just the Gen Ed, I-I d-didn't r-really have the skills to make it to the h-hero course. M-much less match u-up against v-villains." Izuku slipped in a past tense wording, to refer to a time when he wanted to be a hero. So the detective lie detector didn't register a lie.

"Anyway, mom we should get home," Izuku turned to his mother. "It's getting late." Inko shifted her bags to look at her watch. She jumped a bit looking at the time-

"Oh you're right dear!" Inko said, suddenly. "We'll be late for dinner with the Bakugous. Bye detective!" Inko hurried off with Izuku at her side, leaving the detective alone-

'Deku? UA? Bullied?' Tsukauchi didn't want to jump the gun on this one, but this was all lining up. He needed one more thing to be sure. Tsukauchi muttered, as he walked towards his home- "I need a sample of Midoriya handwriting."

'Deku' was known for selling written plans. The police even had a few confiscated plans. All handwritten. If Tsukauchi could get a sample of Izuku's handwriting he could prove his theory right or wrong.

He'll ask for a sample of Izuku's handwriting at his and Inko's lunch meet up, when Midoriya is at the school dorms. Midoriya won't have time to ask, while his mother can get the info without suspicion. Inko was a protective and worry-filled mother, if Tsukauchi let her in on this...

And if Midoriya IS 'Deku'. He might jump ship and disappear. God knows brokers, with the kind of reputation 'Deku' has, can easily do it in a heartbeat.

Speaking of Deku's reputation. He just loves toying with the police and heroes...

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