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Tsukauchi was in disguise. He wore a black hoodie, dark grey combat boots, dark green cargo pants, and a facemask. Overall, he looked a bit stereotypical. This was their plan...

Pose as a client for 'Deku'. Corner him. Arrest him... Speak of the devil...

'Deku' walked into the Alleyway. Tsukauchi pushed a button on his com signaling his team to move in. 'Deku' didn't wear anything flashy, other than his mask. His outfit consisted of a grey undershirt. A dark green hoodie, a bag over his front, a sword on his back, and a red and white Kitsune mask.

"What can I do for you..." 'Deku' paused. Tsukauchi could HEAR the smirk on the broker's lip. Though, for an underground broker, he was pretty small. "Detective~?"

Tsukauchi eyes went wide, as he pulled his gun. As he did that a team of police officers swarmed the Alley. 'Deku' seemed unimpressed. If his relaxed stances was anything to go by, it's like he didn't care a gun was pointed right at him-

"hm," 'Deku' hummed dismissively. "Being basically a next gen Giran, I thought I would have deserved better? At least a low ranking hero?" 'Deku' sounded bored, like he saw the policemen and women as small bugs, easy to wack away when he was done with them.

"You're under arrest for selling classified information," Tsukauchi said, as he held onto his gun firmly. "Come quietly or else-"

"Or else what?" 'Deku' mused, through his voice changer. "Correct me if I'm wrong, Detective~, but kill orders are only authorized for A rank and above criminals. And last I checked I'm not even C rank... At least not yet anyway."

Tsukauchi cursed under his breath. But he adjusted his gun, so he'd end up shooting 'Deku's leg if he made a wrong move, not a kill shot, but it will definitely immobilize him- "And I intend to stop you BEFORE you become that kind of threat!"

'Deku' let out a mere chuckle, as if Tsukauchi said a mediocre joke. He reached for the bag on his chest. Tsukauchi got ready to fire, if he saw a weapon. He was surprised when he saw a piece of paper folded up and tossed over to him.

Tsukauchi dared to look down and pick it up, since other officers had their guns at the ready. Tsukauchi opened to note and read it-

Nice to finally meet you. I have respect for you. I'd love for you to catch me. I don't really have much of a will to live anymore. I'm doing this for fun! Chaos makes me rich, and having one of the highest intellect of humanity I really don't have anything else to do. Go ahead and ask me if this is true? 
Remember- Knowledge is power, and Deku has knowledge!

"What is the meaning of this?" Tsukauchi asked the broker.

"A message!" 'Deku' sounded... cheerful?

"What do you hope to gain?" Tsukauchi failed to notice 'Deku' reaching for the bag around his chest again.

"Just proving something to an old... friend..." 'Deku' smirked underneath his mask. Before quickly throwing something out of his bag. A big BANG and a bright light, caused the police team to rear back.

'A flash grenade! FUCK!' Tsukauchi muttered. By the time the police force team had their senses straight again, 'Deku' was gone. Tsukauchi growled in frustration- "A broker who wants to be caught, but hasn't yet..." Little did Tsukauchi know, this would be a new motto for 'Deku'.

"SEE YA LATER DETECTIVE~!!!" 'Deku' called, as he waved from a rooftop on the other side of the street, before he took off running. 'The Broker who wants to be caught by can't be?' 'Deku' muttered- 'Has a nice ring to it!'

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