[Eng] Sophia

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Heya guys! This one-shot is very special! And yes, there are terms and conditions you need to respect!

Why is that?

Well, lemme fill you in in case you don't know. I'm planning to open an Etsy shop to sell some original one-shots and stories (so nothing based on Danganronpa or my usual pregame oumasai) in order to try and see if I can make writing stories more than just a hobby, something I may be able to do as a job.

So I spent last months writing some original stories. (Or sometimes just renaming Shuichi and Kokichi to make them original stories lol)

I wasn't planning to share this so soon, but my body had the JUST-GREAT idea to get sick literally the day before Christmas. (Yes, literally. Had to cancel my trips and couldn't visit my family. Yay. I am ecstatic. :-)), so obviously I couldn't much wake up from my bed, or write a Xmas special one-shot or another chapter of young master Shuichi teasing his naive tortured cleaning maid.

So, I decided to publish this first part instead, as a teaser for my future shop.

Just so you know, if you like this first part, the rest of the one-shot will be available on my Etsy shop, but not for free this time.

I'm only sharing publicly this beginning as a sort of demo, so you can read it and decide if you like it enough, want to know what happens next, if you're willing to pay to know the rest of the story.

So, since it's for my shop, rules are a little different tha usual. Please respect them, unless you'd like to get some lawyers knocking on your door to kick your butt.

Yes, seriously. :-)

There are reasons why I decided of these rules. I didn't make them just to annoy all of you or anything.

So please make sure to respect them. On those words, Happy New Year, Happy 2023 Year! I hope to see many of you by my side for this new project! ^^


Terms and Conditions of Use

Fanwork / Fanart is Allowed as long as you credit / mention your inspiration for this fan work from my story. I also have no problem with you sharing and selling your fan works.

Why? Because I consider that your art is only yours and that I only inspired you; I did not help with creating this art-work. Despite the fact that I would love to see it and for people to know the context behind it, I have no problem with you doing what you want with your own work.

Repost on Social Media or Anything Public is Forbidden

Why? Because the whole point of these stories is to make my passion a bit lucrative and see if this can lead me somewhere. The stories sold on Etsy are available only there. If I were to publish these stories for free on Wattpad or Ao3, then there would be no point in selling them on Etsy. Of course, people would enjoy the free story rather than the same one they'd have to pay for. If you were to share the link or the document or the story on a public platform, then the shop would become useless and there would be no point to it, hence why it is forbidden.

Translation is Forbidden for the same reasons as a repost or a share on a public platform. If people happen to read my stories translated in another language for free, they might want to translate it in English or in French to share it with more people, yet they wouldn't be.

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