•Chapter 2•

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We walked up a few broken escalators and finally made it outside the bedroom store near the front , sitting on one of the beds for show I saw a girl and a boy , I'm guessing they are the friends that arisu and karube told me about. I walk in standing next to karube , arisu a bit more in front.

"Hey so this is our friend akira, we met her in the game we just played, she isn't to good with Japanese so she might not understand some things" arisu says , I bow my head out of respect at the 2 seated on the bed. The boy smiles weakly and speaks up " hey akira I'm chota, nice to meet you" he says politely. 'He must have been the one who got hurt in their first game , I remember karube mentioning it on the walk back'. I smile back at him. The girl stands up from the bed and puts her hand out in front of me, I wearily shook her hand feeling a bit uneasy from her presence "hello akira , I'm Shibuki" she smiles and I smile back.

I sat at one of the bedside tables with a language book and a notepad besides me I was planning on studying every night so I improve faster , I feel guilty making people speak English just because of me.

"I'm boreddd" I hear karube moan . Chota and Shibuki agree , arisu just nodded , he was probably too caught up in his thoughts.
I sit peacefully in the cushioned chair focussing more than I ever had in any work I have had to do.

That was all wiped away when I heard someone shout boo from behind me gripping my shoulders. "Ah!" I yell , I turn around to see who it was and I was met with a grinning karube. I give him a playful dirty look before turning back round and trying to focus back on-to what I was doing .

I heard a chair being dragged along the floor and then had someone's presence plot themself in a chair besides me , it was karube. He wraps his arm around my shoulder and pull me closer to him. "Akiraaa" he drags my name out . "Will you come look for food with me tomorrow in the mall , arisu is gonna see if he can find any devices that are working".

I nod. " yea sure , but I think everything has been deactivated somehow" " yea I'll let arisu know later" .

I look back at the study book and begin to do the Look,Say,Cover,Write and Check method. I learned it in primary. Karube snatches my notes off from me and raises them in the air and reads them. "Hey!- give them backk" I say groaning "holy shit where did you learn this method it looks smart" .

I look at him and laugh a bit " that made no sense but I learned it in primary school" he looks at me blankly "what now.." I blink a few times. "Primary school.. I think Americans call it.. elementary" I say awfully confused. " ah yea we call it elementary school" he says chuckling.

"They definitely like each other" I hear chota whisper behind me , I just ignore it.
Karube helps me study. For about another hour until we both agreed that we were tired and so did the others , we all picked a row of beds to sleep on . I got the one in the middle , arisu on my right karube on my left , then chota and then shibuki.

We were all trying to sleep , there was thick tension in the air , arisu then spoke "hey chota , shibuki don't you guys need to play tomorrow or your visas will run out" the silence after arisu spoke lingered around the room until chota let out a small huff. " uh yea we do" he says quietly , definitely not happy about it at all.

"We will come join you in the game" he says to chota the 'we' being me, him and karube. I didn't mind , I wanted to get some more days on the visa , as arisu said that if you have no days you'll die .

It went silent in the room and eventually one by one we all fell intto a deep well-needed slumber.

In the morning 🫶🏻

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