Chapter One; Night One

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Joseph fumbled to get his keys out of his pocket and bring it up so that he could unlock the door, breathing heavily from running.

He'd checked as soon as he got to the entrance of the building, but the doors had been locked, probably a result of his lateness or the fact that it was the middle of the night. Luckily he remembered the keys he was given after the interview.

Of course he had to sleep through his alarm, making him at least, he guessed, twenty or more minutes late. Tonight of all nights, too. His first night on the job at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza.

After a few seconds he managed to shakily unlock the door. Once he stepped inside, he pushed the door closed behind him. He began to run through a few rooms, until he came into a hallway, the only thing on his mind was getting to the office as quickly as possible. Ignoring the animatronics he assumed were on the stage, he reached the office and looked around, eventually leaning against the doorframe to catch his breath.

The room was small, but not too small. Just right for one person to sit for hours. Which was actually all Joseph had to do, as far as he was told earlier that day. Sit in the office all night, and the things that weren't covered after his interview, would soon be explained. So here he was, who knew how late to his first shift, exhausted out of his mind.

Taking a breath, Joseph walked over to the desk in the middle of the small, dimly lit room, and sat down in the swivel chair. He took a moment to get used to and take in his surroundings. His eyes fell on the big poster on his left side of the wall in front of him. Three animatronics, a bear, a chicken, and a bunny featured within the poster, the word, "CELEBRATE," above all three of them. Seemed like a harmless enough poster, but for Joseph, looking at those animatronics just gave him the chills, and flashbacks to the events of his childhood. The accident with Mike, and the... animatronics.

He avoided his gaze from it and glanced towards his right, at the children's drawings hanging on the wall. He didn't get much time to study them more before a sound to his left startled him and caused him to glance in the direction of it.

He sat there, tense until he quickly realized that it was a phone call. He lifted the phone, which stopped the ringing.

"Hello?" He asked, and was answered almost immediately.

"Hello? Uh... hello, hello?" The male voice on the other side of the phone began to speak. "Uh... I wanted to record a message for you, to help you get settled in on your first night. Um... I actually worked in that office before you. I'm finishing up my last week now, as a matter of fact. So, I know it can be a bit overwhelming, but I'm here to tell you, that there's nothing to worry about! You'll do fine!"

Joseph relaxed a bit after this man began speaking, when he realized it was just a recording. His gaze fell on the clock to his right, since he'd forgotten the check the time when he'd gotten there. Only thirty minutes late, not too bad.

"So... let's just focus on getting you through your first week, okay? Uh... let's see. First, there's an introductory greeting from the company that I'm supposed to read, it's kinda a legal thing, you know. Um, 'welcome to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, a magical place for kids and grownups alike, where fantasy and fun come to life. Fazbear Entertainment is not responsible for damaged property or person.'"

This next part, the voice began to rush through and mumble some parts, as if trying to get it over with.

"'Upon discovering that damage or death has occurred, a missing person report will be filed within ninety days, or as soon as possibly...' Blah, blah, blah. Now that might sound bad, I know, but there's really nothing to worry about. Uh... The animatronics characters here do get a bit... quirky, at night, but do I blame them? No! If I were forced to sing, those same stupid songs for twenty years, and I never got a bath? I'd probably be a bit irritable at night too. So, remember, these characters hold a special place in the hearts of children, and you need to show them a little respect, right? Okay. So just be aware, these characters do tend to 'wander' a bit. Uh... They're left in some sort of 'free-roaming' mode at night. Uh... Something about their servos locking up if they get left off for too long... uh, they used to be allowed to walk around during the day, too. But then there was... the bite of '87.

His voice lowered a bit, while Joseph remained silent, not wanting to think about what was just mentioned. He avoided his gaze and set the phone on speaker.

"Yeah... It's amazing that the human body can live without the frontal lobe... y'know? Now concerning your safety, the only real risk to you, if any, is the fact that these characters, well, if they see you after hours, probably won't recognize you as a person. They'll most likely see you as a metal endoskeleton without its costume on. Now, since that's against the rules here at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, they'll probably try to... forcefully stuff you inside a Freddy Fazbear's suit. Um, now that wouldn't be so bad, if the suits themselves weren't filled with crossbeams, wire, and animatronic devices. Especially around the facial area. So you can imagine why having your head forcefully pressed inside can cause a bit of... discomfort... and death... The only parts of you that would see the light of day again would probably be your eyeballs and teeth, which pop out the face of the mask. Yeah... they don't tell you these things when you sign up... But hey! First day should be a breeze, I'll chat with you tomorrow, check those cameras, and remember to close those doors only if absolutely necessary. Gotta conserve power. Alright, goodnight."

After that, the recording stopped, leaving Joseph sitting there in stunned silence for a few minutes.

He wasn't surprised; Fazbear's hadn't changed from the last time he'd been here. Of course, it'd been years; he had been younger, but it infuriated him that no one bothered working to make sure things were safe in the time he'd left. After a quick glance around the room, Joseph decided to mess with the computer cameras, attempting to push away the disturbing thoughts now planted in his head by the Phone Guy.

The first camera he saw was the main stage, all three animatronics from the same poster in the small office, all standing in their designated places. Flipping through the rest of the cameras, he familiarized himself with most of the area for a few more minutes until deciding to lean back and relax a bit. He was going to be here for a few more hours so might as well take the opportunity to rest. He knew that there was potential danger, and understood the advice the dude on the phone had given him, but he was exhausted.

Joseph usually had terrible sleeping habits, and, even when pushing the fact that he arrived thirty minutes late away, Joseph hadn't really slept much before this. He tended to be a night owl, and because of that, it was hard for him to adjust to sleeping on time. He'd figured this job would be a perfect fit for the way he was able to stay up... but he'd been out helping his family all day, and he was exhausted from it.

Joseph had a hard time keeping himself awake. It wasn't long until his mind drifted and he soon fell asleep, sitting in his chair in the office.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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