new years

121 1 26

kaelyn poured herself a glass of punch.

the red hue of her own reflection was horrifying. she was bored and hated this party. everything about it sucked. people yelling random bull, the loud disgusting music being blasted (that stupid CPR song.), and everyone getting high off blue raspberry flavored vape.

she stared at the punch. it was probably spiked with something like vodka or some type of alcohol.

with hesitation, she took a tiny sip of the wasn't that bad. there was a tiny kick to it, she didn't know what it was, but she was thirsty, and forgot her water. so, instead, she continued drinking it.

she looking more around the table. there was cesar salad, cupcakes, chips n' salsa (there was dip too, of course), a bowl of fruit, and assortments of cheese.

she took everything.

her only complaint was the fact that the fruit was touching the cheese sauce. it wasn't very pleasant but, she ate it anyway.

the stupid music was getting louder and louder. what song were they playing now?

kaelyn slumped down into her chair and clutched her stomach. it was feeling queasy. she couldn't tell whether she was getting anxious and sick of the horrific smell of smoke, the loudness of the room, or the amount of food she had eaten.

oh god, I feel like I'm about to throw up.

maybe, maybe another drink of punch will be okay.

she got up on her feet, and weakly wobbled her way to the punch. everything was growing into a blurry haze, and her stomach was about to explode. these shoes were killing the back of her heel. why did she wear these anyway?

she made her way to the punch before almost bonking her head on a shoulder.


kaelyn stumbled backwards in a panic. oh god, oh god. of course I mess something up. she rubbed her head.

"oh gosh, I'm so sorrrr..."

curly hair, glasses, glass of punch...

"wait, bbb?!"

"sbb! it's been so longggg...!" she quickly dragged and wrapped kaelyn into a hug. kaelyn was feeling sicker than before from the hug. it was suffocating her, but she accepted it anyway.

"you're gonna spill PUnch On MEEee-" she gasped desperately. she kind of just stood in the hug. it's really tight, but warm?

"right, righty. sorry my BAD!" gianna let out a loud laugh. it was tuning out the music. thank the lord. kaelyn let out a somewhat awkward smile.

she slowly poured herself another glass of punch before taking a tiny sip.

"what have you been doing here so far? I haven't seen you since I got here. I even got here early." kaelyn questioned.

gianna let out a long giggle. "yeah, yeaHhh, I've been just, you knooowww, hanging out, dancing on the dance floor, you should really join uS. we're gonna do karaoke soon." snickering, she poured herself some more punch. kaelyn looked at her questionably. the red fluid was splashing out of the ladle. she's lucky it hasn't gotten on her clothes yet. she didnt wanna say anything about it.

her behavior was uh, abnormal.

"anygayyys," she smiled. "i like your dress. have i seen you in it before?"

kaelyn stared, looking down at her black dress with cherries on it, and looked back up.

" my concert?" she finished the remaining of the punch. she turned to grab another serving of punch. it was addictive. too addictive.

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