migurls abode

89 1 18

side note: i was listening to britney spears while writing this at 10pm


the front door of his house cracked open with a squeak. kaelyn took in a deep breath of air before falling to her knees, tears of joy falling like soft snowflakes during the winter.

miguel looked to his mother concerned.

"are you actually crying??"

"it's just," she sniffled. "t-the warmth of the home feels so refreshing,," she sobbed, wiping the snot and tears from her face with giannas hand.

"it's not even that cold"

"shut up, miguel"

kaelyn slipped off the backs of her heels and tossed them on the floor. she let out a sigh of relief, resting her aching feet whilst rubbing them in circles. she slowly caressed bbb's hair.

the house was a little out of shape, with a trash bag full of empty instant noodle cups, a few dirty dishes inside the sink, and empty bags of leaves. it smelled like smoke. did something burn before he left? I mean, it's not like miguel could ever cook—

"OHjh, don't mind those. I was raking leaves in my yard." miguel stammered anxiously. kaelyn fixated her head towards him and rolled her eyes. "sure."

"isn't that wee—" miguel cut twinkle toes off by kicking her shins. twinkle toes crumbled to the floor weeping loudly.

"that's animal abuse...!" twinkle toes whimpered weakly.

bbb's eyes flickered, as she stirred slowly. sbb lit up so suddenly, gasping in excitement.

"BBB!!" kaelyn wrapped her arms into sweaty, but warm embrace. an everlasting smile crossed kaelyn's face. bbb had absolutely no clue what was happening with the racking headache she had, but accepted the hug nonetheless.

"sbb?! what happened?" gianna slowly caressed the head of kaelyn, who began to cry for the 10th time that day. kaelyn began to wipe her tears and snot against gianna. bbb could bring herself to care any less. it's sbb, her one and only true lover! how could she tell her no?

kaelyn sobbed into the shoulder of gianna. "I thought you died..." she sniffled. twinkle toes slowly wiped the tears that prickled the side of her eyes.

"such a sweet reunion..." twinkle toes cried softly. miguel stared with disgust. he thought her mother didn't care for gianna. she hadn't cried over her when he pointed out gianna being knocked out cold on the floor, potentially being dead, only to dismiss it as her sleeping. she only had started crying now when bbb woke up.

miguel had thoughts bouncing up and across his head. his confusion was flowing like soft streaks of paint being dragged alongside on a picture perfect white canvas, yet only to be destroyed in the slightest mistake. since when did his mother even find a new lover? he was never even informed of this.

it's just as maddison and his aunt had always said, nobody ever tells them anything.

miguel quickly shook off the feeling as he rummaged through the fridge, only to find some frozen Totinos' pizza rolls in his freezer (not the fridge).

"do you guys want some pizza rolls?" miguel shook the half empty bag. the small ice particles fell on the floor.

kaelyn jumped up and scurried her way to the kitchen, quickly picking a pizza roll out of the bag and popping it in her mouth.

"AAHACKAKC—" she yelped

"ITHS COLDSH" she fanned her arms. miguel burst into a fit of laughter, so loud, that the neighbors had to come over and ring their doorbell. bbb panicked and shook her lover, screaming as miguel crumbled to the floor in tears.

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