Chapter 1: The Blue Justice

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You guys don't know how agonizingly long it took to work on this and I say this every single time that I'm sounding like a broken record!

But seriously, I just wanna thank you all for being patient with me because life's just been chaotic and busy lately. Been wanting to do sprite animations again, but I'm kind of having a hard time with it, so I left it for later in the future when I get a better laptop or pc to work on. Then I've been trying to study for my driver's license 'online' test and I'm slowly but surely getting ready for it. And finally, work has been taking a toll on my body and mind and sometimes I don't wanna do anything.

But I haven't given up yet, because I've been getting inspirations left and right for my fanfics and upcoming ones that I'm working on them as we speak. And I'm excited for you guys to read them.

Just to also clarify once again, this takes place in an Equestria Girls AU of my own. There's not that big of a difference except for a few things just for the plot to work and the locals being the same from Friendship is Magic. So yes, the event of the Equestria Girls movies did happen. That's why I'm making a remake of the first installment, just to flesh out more and add some changes that you will see in the remake and later in this story.

I am such a mess haha!

Anyways, Thank you guys for reading, and let me know if ya'll manage to find the easter eggs and references I've added throughout this chapter. There aren't that many, so you better read carefully.

Alright, that's it for me and if there are any mistakes I've left behind, comment on it and I'll fix it as soon as possible and I'll see you all in the next chapter!



~Seaddle - Night~

"Come on! Let's move it!"

The leader of the trio of robbers called out to his teammates as they exited a jewelry store. They then hear the sound of sirens from a few blocks away from them.

"Shoot, It's the cops!" Robber #1 cursed.

"Hey, Boss! Start the truck!" Robber #2 shouted.

The third robber, who was already on the truck waiting for them, started the engine and opened the locks to the back of the truck; in which the armored truck security guard was tied up with his mouth taped shut.

"Did you two get it?" The 3rd Robber. questioned as the two other robbers get into the truck. One of them in the passenger seat and the other in the back with the hostage.

"All for the taking!" Robber #2 chuckled as he opened the bag he had been carrying, showing tons of jewelry stolen from the store: necklaces, rings, earrings, you name it. He then looked back at the other Robber and said "Show him, Spot!"

Spot opened the rest of the bags revealing all different types of gems. The leader of the trio smiled. "Alright then. Now let's get out of here!"

He switched the gear into drive and slammed the gas pedal with all his might. As they were driving at high speeds, the trio including the security guard tied up started hearing the police sirens getting closer. The Robber in the passenger seat looked at his side mirror and spotted multiple police cars chasing behind them.

"Boss, they're gaining on us!" The Robber commented.

"Don't worry, Fido!" Spot assured his partner as he grabbed another bag and opened it up revealing dynamite explosives. The hostage's eyes widened at this and began to panic.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2023 ⏰

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