"Who the fu-"

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Quackity pov:
It was a normal night in las navadas, Quackity was cleaning the casino, it was awfully quiet.. all you could hear was the casino machines ringing and making random noises.. was it annoying? A little, quackitys wings kept flinching slightly.. his tail wagged randomly. It was strange.. his wings and tail never did that.. like ever.

He payed no mind to it and continued cleaning, he started to clean the bar located near the casino. He hears something.. it was awfully faint and echoey.. now sure the casino was echoey but never this echoey. He turned around "who the hell is there." He said in a confident voice.. no answer.. a gust of wind hit him in the face "geez.. rude." He said and was about to turn around and saw a figure of a hand.. it was faint and ghostly.. it was somewhat transparent. he immediately back away.. "okay what the fuck. This isn't funny. Who's there." He waited a few minutes..

"Hello..?" A echoey voice called out, it had a thick English accent... but Quackity couldn't see anyone.. "who the fu-" he was cut off by a ghost appearing right infront of him.. "WJAJSHDH" he jumped up and almost fell back "woah!!! Calm down!!" The ghost tried to hold onto quackity, but his hands went to quackitys torso as expected.. "how am I supposed to be calm?!?! A ghost just appeared in my casino??? Holy shit.. I'm hallucinating aren't I?" The ghost was confused "huh? I'm not an hallucination!! I'm fuckn real mate!!" The ghost said in defense to quackitys "rude" comment

"Welp shit.. I've actually gone insane!!" He giggled "Jesus Christ.. you okay man?" Quackity just bit his hand "okay.. so maybe you are real.. who are you..?" He looked up at the ghost "the one and only Wilbur soot!" He bowed down

"What the fuck is going on... you're not Wilbur.. Wilbur left to go to his home place.." quackity backed up a little more.. I mean the ghost did resemble Wilbur an uncanny amount.. and his voice reminded him of Wilbur and ghostbur combined. He had the attitude of Wilbur but the ghost-ly-ness of ghostbur..

"Erm.. i don't really know what you want from me.. i am Wilbur soot. Born with that name.." the ghost replied. He twirled around quackity a few times "are you a avian or an elytrian?" The ghost asked quackity when he saw quackitys wings "what? No!! I don't even know what that is!!!" Quote unquote Wilbur was bewildered.. "what do you mean?!?! Those are known origins by almost everyone!!" He flew up and landed back down softly "Erm.. well sorry to say but I've never heard of those.. "origins" your talking about.. also.. what are you doing here..?"

"Bitch does it look like I know?" Yup.. definitely Wilbur. "Okay then. Erm.. here" he handed him a key..? "What's this for?" Wilbur was confused "a room, 5th floor 3d door down to be exact!!" He giggled "which building there's like 5 around here?" The ghost asked "uhh the one next to tubbos restaurant" the ghost just walked off "hey what the hell!!"

Woahhh I'm done!!^^
Hope you enjoyed😽😽
Idk if I'll do smut or not I'm thinking abt it
Word count- 545

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