The Summoning

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Chaldea AD: 2016

"Fou! Fou!"

Begrudgingly the young master opened his eyes as he was assaulted by the surprisingly sharp claws of the the fluffball known as 'Fou'. He let out a tired sigh as he spoke.

"Good morning Fou"


"Good morning Fujimaru!" Came a loud voice from his doorway.

"Good morning Gudako." He paused and took a few moments to rub his eyes as he slowly began to wake up.

"But what are you doing in my room this early?"

"Gah! I can't believe you even have to Ask me that question! Today is the day I summon my first servant! I'm too excited! I've barely slept you know!"

The young master let out a further deep sigh.
"I guess Da Vinci did promise it would be ready by this morning, just let me get dressed and I'll be ready in 20 minutes"

"Yes sir!" Gudako exclaimed as she posed in a mock salute stomping her foot and swirling around to leave the room with a skip in her step.

"Couldn't she have at least closed the door on her way out?" Fujimaru murmured under his breath to himself.

"Fou?" The little fluffball tilted its head in confusion.

20 minutes later

Fujimaru had finally arrived at the agreed meeting point. He made it a point to arrive specifically at the time he had promised. He would soon be expected to lead multiple heroic spirits into battle and he knew that he needed his fellow master to have full faith in him.

As the door slid open to the newly assigned summoning room he was greeted by the high pitched voice of the self proclaimed 'genius' Da Vinci who had taken the form of the Mona Lisa.

"Hiya my cute little master!" She proudly announced with a beaming smile on her face as she swung around on her chair.

"Hiya da Vinci." He smiled back. "Is it ready?"

Da Vinci placed a hand on the centre of her chest, with her other hand on her head. Recoiling in mock horror she replied
"GAH, I can't believe my master has so little faith in me! I am a certified genius of course it is ready! One measley summoning is nothing for me!"

"Great. I never doubted you"

"Good! Gudako is waiting for you by the summoning leyline, once you're in position we'll start"

He nodded in understand as he walked down the set of stairs to the left of him towards the summoning system where his fellow master was waiting for him as he approached her he spoke

"Are you ready?"

Gudako smiled as she replied

A harsh blazing white light enveloped the room. Bright blue mana poured out from the summoning device and slowly began to form the foundation of a heroic spirit. A powerful gale blew around the room, as three beams of light spread around the room.

Your POV:

"I ask of you. Are you my master?"

"Yes that's me!" The orange haired girl replied excitedly, "Well technically we're both your master but I pushed the summon button this time which means I get first dibs"

'Two masters?' you thought to yourself. You had heard that alliances during the holy grail wars were commonplace so your first assumption was that this was was one of these occasions.

Seeing the confused look on your face the man spoke

"Ah you see this place is Chaldea, we are fighting for the future of humanity" He would go on to explain the situation humanity now found itself in.

"So far we have corrected the first singularity of Fuyuki but we have six singularities left"

"So? Will you help us?" The Orange haired woman exclaimed, not wasting a second after the other master's explanation.

The eyes of the women seemed to grow larger and larger, pouting her lips into an expression that was frankly far too cute for any human should have reasonably been able to achieve.

You thought to yourself for a few seconds but the answer was obvious. You spoke.

"Of course, it would me my honour"

"Yippee a new servant! All to myself" the woman jumped with her a fist in the air forming a pose of celebration.

You chuckled as you thought to yourself 'what an interesting pair of masters I have'.

She continued,

"I'm Gudako and this is Fujimaru!" She said pointing at the other master

"Welcome to Chaldea!" They exclaimed in unison with large grins adorning their faces.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2023 ⏰

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