Chapter Ten: Anger

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A few days after her funeral, Pineare picked up her ashes and placed yaai's remain in a lovely purple urn.

Yaai's favorite color.

As I held yaai's urn in my hands, I found it so hard to believe that I had lost the most important person in my life. My entire reality had been horribly shifted.

This new reality seemed so damn cruel.

My yaai couldn't be gone! She just couldn't be!

This didn't feel real.

I know, I know... the question is "Where the hell have you been woman?!" So sorry its been such a long time since I updated. I promised you so many times that I would and never did. Between working and real-life hurdles, I have been stagnant. For that I am truly sorry. If you're still rocking with me, thank you. I vowed to complete every story I post and that shall be done. No promises of when and how often I will update. But I will complete them. I even have a few new stories up my sleeve, but I will not start posting until my other stories are complete.


Boun's father has been in a psychiatric hospital for the past six months. He was committed by yaai after she was able to track him down. He is now lucid (on meds and extensive therapy) he understands what's going on.

Prem cared for yaai for six months before she passed away.

Not everyone will go through all the stages, some will skip a few, some happen out of sequence. As someone who has lost loved ones, it's easier to write from my own experiences and feelings and build from there. I may skip stages in the upcoming chapters because I never fully experienced them. 

This chapter touches Pain & Anger. If you're a crier, please grab Kleenex.

Boun Point of View

A month had passed since I lost my yaai and I still felt this gaping hole in my chest. Prem took a sabbatical from work and was doing his best to see me through this difficult time. He wanted to talk about yaai, but I couldn't, not without getting angry that she was gone. I could tell that it was affecting Prem from the injured look in his eyes every time I lost my cool. I knew he was grieving too, and felt possibly worse than I did, because I was lashing out and fighting with him when he was merely trying to help me.

When I decided to finally go back to work, I regretted it the moment I walked through the double doors of our massive corporation. Every single person who I crossed paths with either avoided eye contact altogether or kept giving me 'that look'.


I detested and hated those who offered it to me.

Each time my employee or counterpart would take the time to give me their sympathies for my loss, I would feel infuriated. I found myself locked away in my office, and when I had to come out, I would distance myself from anyone who mentioned yaai's name as fast as possible by just walking away without saying another word.

After a week, I opted to work remotely from home.

One evening I had been going over some contracts that Earth dropped off in my home office when I heard a commotion going on directly above me upstairs.

Yaai's bedroom.

My blood started to boil. I had explicitly told all staff that her room was not to be disturbed under any circumstances. I angrily swung open my door and made a hurried dash upstairs, taking two steps at a time. By the time I reached Yaai's room I was ready to explode on anyone who dared not heed my warning.

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