Just Another Date

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I stared at my nipples size breast in the mirror disappointed again . Why do I have to be this unlucky with things . Trying to smile my big teeth came out of my mouth another disappointment again .
    Oh my bad! I'm Sheila  Noah , I'm 18 yrs old from Toronto, I'm tall and dark skin , I live with my family here in Toronto and I'm in college , dad's white while mom's black from Nigeria . We're a lovely family .

"Ems hurry you're gonna be late for your date"I heard dad scream from the door ."Okay dad I'll be down in 2"I said looking at my self one last time in my vanity mirror before running down the stairs . "What did I say about running down the stairs?"mom asked me . "Sorry I'll take note" I said kissing her and dad running to the door .
I sat staring at my classmate from high school profess his love for me . "I'm sorry ross but I can't date you "I said hurrying out of the eatery sad .
I know you guys be wondering why? Which guy would want to date a girl with a nipple size breast and a big teeth ? I guess no guy so don't blame me though I have to wear a foam bra so no one gets to notice .

AN:I hope you guys enjoyed it.
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