Wesley Hans

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Wesley's POV
    I watched as students crowded the school hurrying to get to class . I frowned watching a certain girl who looked lost trying to find her way bump into me .
"I'm so sorry " she said packing her book from the floor. She looked like a disorganized freak but I found it cute too.
Oh what's wrong with me . My plan's to make my parents regret sending me here not to fall for a random girl I reminded myself .
I watched as she hurried past me still searching , she wasn't white tho but I guess mixed race . I continued my way to my lecture hall with a blank expression .
The lecturer got in and closed the double doors and began teaching .
   In the middle of the class someone rushed in abruptly making the whole class turn to the door , I felt bad for the person because the lecturer was said to be a wicked man. I looked up from my book to meet the disorganized freak I met on the way . I smiled seeing her surprised look .

Sheila's POV
  I was surprised seeing the guy I bumped into on my way here staring at me with an amused look . I blushed , thanks to God I was mixed race unless it would have been noticeable .
"What's wrong with you?" The lecturer barked at me . "I'm so sorry sir it's my first time here and I lost my way locating the hall" I apologized quietly . "Go and take a seat " he said surprising everyone. I hurried to a seat looking down , due to the rush I slipped and fell on someone my books landing on the floor . I felt like being swallowed by earth . "What the actual fuck?" Someone screamed causing the class to erupt in silent chuckles . "Who cussed?"the lecturer asked. "Leave my class"the lecturer said . A boy stood up and left quietly . I stiffened when I looked up to meet a pair of green mesmerizing eyes staring down at me . "WTF" I thought seeing the guy I bumped into on my way here .
"That means we'd be seeing more of each other" I found myself smiling at the thought .
I blushed seeing him stare intently at me , thanks to being mixed he couldn't see it .I looked forward immediately after being caught but could you guess that I wasn't comfortable throughout the class . I was relieved when the lecturer rounded up and left the hall I quickly gathered my books and left hurriedly with my heart pounding in my chest.

AN:I hope you guys enjoyed it
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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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