Chapter 6

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The lecture felt like it lasted three hours, but in reality it lasted FOUR! Like grrr! Im in such a bad mood now.

Landon and I went up to my room after it was over.

I plopped down on my bed spread out on my back and groaned.

Landon got on top of me and started kissing my neck.

Really? Im not complaining, because I actually enjoy this, but i know what its going to lead to.

"Landon. Babe. Stop." I said and tried to wiggle free

He got off me and laid down beside me.

"Im sorry. Your going to go in to heat with in the next couple of days and its getting harder and harder to resist." He said and stroked my cheek with his thumb.

"Its ok. I love you Landon." I said and kissed him

He pulled away too quickly.

"I love you too Belle."he smiled that sexy smile.

It was quiet for a bit.

"So whats it like in London?" I asked and just starred at the wall

"Its amazing. Especially at night. Its really beautiful, not as beautiful as you of course, but still very beautiful. There is some great food too, and im sure youll love the shops." He said

"How are we going to get my things to your pack house?" I asked

"Its our pack house. And we could go to your old one before we go to ours in London." He suggested

"How am i going to get my babies to London?" I asked

I realized how weird that sounded after i said it.

"I mean my cars." I corrected my self

"Oh, we could get my third, fourth, and fith in command to go get them. " he said

I was not too keen on having someone else drive my babies but i guess i can get over it.

"Ok. Do you think we could visit my family sometimes?" I questioned kinda quietly

"Of course my beauty." He said

I smiled. I have such an amazing mate.

"Yes you do." Landon said

"You read my thoughts." I said trying to sound offended

"Yes i did. You can read mine now so its ok." He said

I sighed and snuggled to him. I really need at nap.

Much to my displeasure he started talking again.

"Tomorrow we will leave around lunch time, go to your old pack house, get your things, then catch a flight to London." He said

"Mmhhmm." I mumbled on the verge of sleep

"Are you tired?" He asked

"Yes! Now shut up and kiss me so i can go to sleep." I huffed

He chuckled and kissed me. Then he wrapped his arms around me and I fell in to a much needed sleep.

When I woke, Landon was not beside me. I looked at the clock, it was eight pm.

I got my phone and texted Landon.

'WHERE ARE YOU?!?!?!?' I sent

'Coming back right now.' He replied

Saving Grace *Sequel to Your Mine! Get Over it!*Where stories live. Discover now