CHAPTER 20: The war part 1

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I tackled Frank on his legs making him let my daughter go. I hid her in a safe place.


ME- Don't worry, my dear... Everything will be ok... *hug*

After hugging her, I returned to the battlefield.

One demon tried to tear my head of but I kicked him in his parts.

Then, I saw other demon trying to rip my wife's heart out, but I shot the demon with my revolver.

Toby was sustaining some injuries but he didn't care since he can't feel any pain, his friends Masky, Hoodie, X-Virus, Kate and Black Rose were protecting him and fighting all together.

Then, a little demon girl named Lazari lunged on me and bit me on my arm.

ME- AAAAARGH!!!- I punched her away from me. But I didn't know that Lazari was Zalgo's daughter... and I was about to taste her dad's wrath.

Zalgo ran towards me and punched me on my head, protecting his daughter and knocking me out. I fell to the floor. My vision was blurry, blood was spilled from my head (yes, Zalgo punched me with super human strength) and before passing out, I could hear my wife and my friends screaming and calling for me. I closed my eyes and all sounds became white noise and static in my head.

ZALGO- My little girl... are you ok?

LAZARI- Yes, daddy... that idiot hurt me in my face, my nose is bleeding...

ZALGO- Don't worry, when I end that moron, I will heal you, ok?

LAZARI- Ok. Kill him first...

When I opened my eyes, some hours later... I was... inside a glass tank? In Hell.

My friends were in another room...

ZALGO- Ok, Jack. I see you're awake... You may be wondering: "where are my wife and my friends?". Let me explain you. You will be the first to die, but I've reserved a special torture just for you, for breaking my daughter's nose. I will show you images of your traumatic past while this tank fills with water. You will die slowly from drowning while psychologically suffering seeing your past. Have fun and goodbye, Laughing Jack... *exits the room and slams the door*.

Then, I realized I had a chain connected to a weight tied in my leg. Then, the projector started showing images of me in my music box and at the same time, the tank started filling with water.


To be continued...

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