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EXTRAVAGANT RESTAURANTS AND exotic foods— neither Red nor Miya Atsumu had grown up with them. But as they aged and traversed down their paths, they grew to become well-versed with the little things affluent people worked around every day.

But perhaps it was easier for Red than Miya to adjust; The first was descended from a royal bloodline. For that, it was no wonder Kogawa Akiko had innate elegance and poise. Etiquette came naturally.

Atsumu gained his skills through maturity and solemnity. So today, at this event, the golden-haired setter's mood was subdued.

Sure, he, Suna, Bokuto, and Hinata messed around a bit. But as soon as the clack of heels reached their ears, they immediately fell silent.

Money suited Kogawa, decided Atsumu as his brown eyes trailed after the woman. Her clothes looked expensive. She carried herself, chin high, with confidence. The setter thought her lips seemed to twitch to the left side, slanted on her face.

That smirk. That devilish smirk, remembered Atsumu. It told of a strong, independent woman. A powerful one. Such thoughts made the setter reminisce.

Hmph. Your fangirls, I pity them, Kogawa had flicked her wrist in blank space, as if referring to the absent females whom she was speaking of. They obsess over you because of your looks and talents. Why? It's pathetic.

Even then, Akiko had been strong-willed. She was prideful, almost arrogant with her posture like that, legs crossed, back straight, and leaning forward. Her chin rested on the palm of her hand, tapping her chin while the other drummed on her desk.

Me, 'Tsumu, I'm going to be strong. I'm going to pave the road for the future, and I will be remembered.

They both believed it. How couldn't they, when she spoke in that tone? No, not the enigmatic, riddled lilt of a sibyl. Seers are aware of the future, and because they revel in their aura of mystery they choose not to reveal their knowledge. Kogawa did not know the future. But she was sure of what it was to be and knew that even if it wasn't, she would alter it to her taste.

You want to be remembered, huh? Atsumu had asked rhetorically. Something like immortality. So like a god, he clarified.

Yes, affirmed Kogawa.

But why? This he did not relate to. I'm content with just playing volleyball for the rest of my life. Doing what I love. Why do you want so much?

Akiko had given him a look then. Her lips were shut, and she did not give him a verbal response. Back then, he could not comprehend. Even now, he still did not.

But Atsumu did what he was best at. Question unanswered, he turned away as if it was.

God, Aki-chan. The male high schooler shifted his gaze outside the windows, where the dappled sunlight filtered through the glass panes. Why was he so pretentious, pretending to understand things he didn't?

You and your dreams put me to shame.

And now, back in the present day, seeing Red glide down the marble stairs with her arms gently sliding down the banister, he couldn't help but feel his chest sink with some kind of hope. Is she happy now? Did she do it all?

The day Red had first met them, Atsumu was unable to find the chance to privately speak with her. He did not know if this was coincidental or intentional on the latter's side. He hoped it was not the second.

Despite being shorter than almost everybody there, every player seemed wary of the woman. Her lips, unsmiling, almost seemed to curl down a little. As if frowning. But was that just their imagination? On second thought, she seemed to have simply a neutral expression.

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