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MIYA ATSUMU STARED in shock at his phone. Whether it was because he was in disbelief of the news segment that glowed on his screen, or because he'd just awoken from a quick nap and was unsure if he was still dreaming or not, he gazed, open-mouthed, at the glowing device before him.


There's no way.

His trembling fingers swiped up from the bottom of his screen, pressing onto the call app. Numerous thoughts swarmed his mind like bees. He could feel his arm shaking through the vibrations of his phone, which was pressed against his ear.

Red answered on the fifth ring: "Yes, Atsumu?"

"Red–Akiko, I–"

"I take it you've read the article?" Kogawa interrupted him. Through the phone call, her voice sounded clipped and monotone. "Yes," answered Atsumu. He briefly paused, then continued, "Are you alright?"

A rush of static greeted the question. "Yes, 'Tsumu. I'm fine," said Kogawa. Atsumu briefly smiled at her use of his nickname. 'Tsumu. "The public finding out my true identity was bound to happen." She stopped.

"You just didn't think it'd happen this quickly, did you?" probed Miya, thinking quickly. After knowing Akiko for so long, he was able to rapidly deduce her silence. Atsumu discovered a hint of surprise in her voice when Red spoke: "Impressive, Miya. Yes, they've found me out a little faster than I expected them too. But that is of little importance; whether or whether not they know who lies under the mask of 'Miss Red' does not matter to me." Without much difficulty, Atsumu could picture what the woman's posture must be like at this moment: A straight back and chin held high with a haughty, almost arrogant air of confidence. The white rays of the ceiling lights must be glinting off the corner of her dark sunglasses right now.

"So..." Atsumu almost hesitated to ask. "What are you going to do now?"

Akiko chuckled lightly on the other end of the call. "Watch closely."

She hung up.


Following the phone call, Atsumu kept an anxious eye on all social platforms. However, even hours after the release of the news article, Miss Red did not release an official statement.

What could she be planning?

He turned back to his phone, knowing fully well that the trending matter would only give him a headache—

"Wait. What?"

Atsumu blurted out loud into the silence of his own home. Was he seeing correctly? In an effort to confirm his eyesight, he rubbed his eyes several times before looking back down at his screen.


Breathing shaky breaths, Miya clicked on the matter, scanning the article.

"Akabane Kohaku, previous CEO of Scarlet X, seems intent on exacting his revenge on super businesswoman Red, or Kogawa Akiko as we have learned today, for stealing his chair," read Atsumu aloud. He continued to browse the article until he reached the very end, before plopping down on his sofa. Closing his eyes, he summarized the points of what he'd just learned:

In her very first official statement as "Red", Akiko had stated that whoever discovered her true identity would be rewarded with a prize.

Nobody knew of this until today, or they'd forgotten about it, when the statement resurfaced.

Everybody thinks Akabane wants Akiko in ruins, seeing he's discovered her identity for the prize.

And lastly, Nobody knows what the prize is.

Atsumu leaned back into his pillows. I wonder what she'll give him...? He wondered. Straight up cash?

Later that night, Red finally disclosed an official statement for the public:

Akabane Kohaku. In your honor, we will name Scarlet X's newest spaceship model after you: The Akabane. Congratulations,
Kogawa Akiko; "Red"

The public went wild shortly after. Atsumu himself felt sorely tempted to celebrate. The woman under the mask of Miss Red had been revealed. Japan finally knew who their strongest businesswoman was.

Akiko herself probably should've been slightly relieved herself. She didn't have to worry about keeping her identity a secret anymore. And Akabane Kohaku was currently being scrutinized for doing what he did.

However, here she sat at her desk, perfect brows creased with worry as she stared at the article on Akabane that was displayed on her computer.

"I didn't make this..."


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