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Sundays are meant for cleaning in the Prentiss household. Which means I have to scoop poop out of Sergio's litter box. It's not fun.

I started cleaning my room about 15 minutes ago and it still looks the same. I sigh and plop backwards onto my bed that's not even made. My phone vibrates in my pocket so I lazily pull it out and smile at the contact name. I click the green answer button and put the phone to my ear.

"Thank you for calling the Prentiss household. Unfortunately the best Prentiss is currently cleaning his room. Please leave a message after the beep." I pause for a few seconds and hear luke chuckle across the line. "beep beep bitch." I finally say, a smirk growing on my face.

"You seriously had to do all of that?" He asks and I can hear a smile in his voice.

"Yes. You interrupted my cleaning." I respond and sit back up.

"So what I'm hearing is you don't want me to come over?" He teases.

"Well I didn't say all that." I say and raise my eyebrow even though he can't see that.

"So you do want me to come over?"

"I would have to ask my mom. Hold please." I clear my throat and kick my clothes into my closet. "MOOOOOOOOOOOM" I yell as I sit back onto my bed. I hear shuffling down the hall and my door swings open.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" She exclaims with worried eyes. I laugh and hold my hand to my chest, trying to contain myself. "You need to stop doing that." She says and leans against my door.

"Okay okay sorry. But can Luke come over? Please?" I ask and make puppy eyes. She huffs and crosses her arms, scanning my room.

"Yes. Once you get those clothes out of your closet." She says and tilts her head towards the closet.

"Now how did you know that." I ask and open the door to the closet and start sorting the clothes.

"I've known you for 15 years. I know you sweetie. Tell Luke he can come over." She says and smiles as she leaves my room.

"You are a lucky man." I say as I grab my phone again.

"Be there in 20!" He yelps and hangs up. I chuckle and continue sorting my clothes, as quickly as possible. I make my bed and throw on a different shirt, actually it's a shirt that Luke really likes. I'm not sure why that matters but I think I just like getting compliments.

    I walk back out to the living room and Emily's on the couch with Sergio in her lap. She looks up and smiles softly, patting the spot next to her. I plop down next to her and scoop Sergio into my chest. He nuzzles against my shirt and I quickly snap a picture of it before he bites my face off. Emily squints her eyes at me and then my shirt, glancing back and forth.

   "Staring is rude." I say and swoosh my hand towards her face.

  "You wear that shirt literally every time you see him outside of school." She mentions and raises an eyebrow.

   "I like the shirt. Just a coincidence." I say and shrug. She keeps staring at me, I can almost feel her eyes burn into my brain. "Stop profiling me." I speak and she rolls her eyes but a small smirk grows on her face.

   "I think there's another reason that you wear that shirt." She sings out, her smirk turning into a full smile. "Luke and Vinc-" I swat her knee and shake my head.

   "Absolutely not. Nope. No ma'am." I say while vigorously shaking my head. She keeps smiling so I squint my eyes at her this time. "What about when you sneak glances at JJ when no ones watching, and taking every chance to talk to her that you can. Or when you look at her ches-"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2023 ⏰

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