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I didn't know a title-

Y/n pov:
Are they... KISSING? wtf was going on I stood there not saying anything

Max: y/n?...

As soon as I hear max talking  I ran downstairs
To the restaurant

João: heyy what's going u look a bit sad and stressed at the same time..

Y/n: they were kissing... max and Jasmine..

João: uh uhm damn I support them but isn't max ur sister and Jasmine  ur bsf ?

Y/n: yea.. I'm not homophobic but..
Im confused

João: I'm sorry

Y/n: u don't have to feel sorry.. it's not ur fault..

João: well wanna go to my training to set ur mind off?

Y/n: sure

João: shall I text Jasmine or max that we are going to training?

Y/n: sure.. here's Max's number

He fills the number in and we go to the training

Y/n : can I sit on the bench ?

João: sure We are early my team mates are coming down any minutes

*6 minutes later*
They arrive and I Shake everyone's hand until I got to the last player "nuno mendes"

Nuno: Oi (hi)
Y/n: English?

Nuno: oh sorry hey I'm nuno
Y/n: y/n.

Nuno: aren't u joãos gf ?
Y/n: uhh no(t yet)
Nuno: ohh I though bc he talks about u lots

Y/n: oh cool

*time skip*🧍‍♀️
I write in my diary and write about what happend in the morning 5 minutes later nuno walks up to me again

Nuno: hey what r u writing

I couldn't even understand his English good but anyway

Y/n: uh nothing much

Nuno: can I see

Y/n: uhh

Nuno: *grabs it*

Y/N: hey give it back

Nuno: *stands up* ur too shoorrrtttt
* reads it and stops laughing* Oh uhm I'm sorry

... he knows what if he tells joão


Oh chippies what will happen next anyways happy new year

Max/ san loves u

327 words

Cheater? | joão felix x reader Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang