Chapter 12 - Trouble in Paradise

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After dinner, Lando walked me home. I said that he could stay over if he wanted to but he declined the offer saying that he had to be up early in the morning. He called a taxi and then kissed me goodbye. I walked up to my apartment and collapsed on my bead, I was exhausted from all this travel. I don't know how the drivers do it, they're in a new country every week! I fell asleep straight away, dreaming of Lando.


It was Sunday and I hadn't seen Lando in 3 days. We had talked, but he was preoccupied with fitness training for the race. I was sitting at my desk at work, putting together the video of Lando. It was fun watching back the footage, he looked so happy in it. I had hardly started the report because I was away and I'm kinda scared that my boss will find out that were going out. I'm not sure how well he will like me mixing my buisness with pleasure. I was writing down what Lando had said when I got an email. I clicked on it, I like to be on top of emails otherwise I will forget. The subject was 'Lando's real girlfriend'. Okay, thats an interesting way to title your email. I clicked it to reveal pictures of Lando with another girl. She had brown hair and was very pretty. Maybe these were old pictures? I scrolled down and there was one of him kissing her cheek! I read the paragraph below it.

'hey girl, I'm a photographer and I have my own website for F1 photography. I don't know if you know but I took these pictures of Lando Norris yesturday at his house outside London. I recognised you from the other picture that surfaced because I admire the paper you work for and I don't want you to be hurt if you find out another way. I hope I'm just being overly cautious but I thought you should know. Best wishes, Anja'

Lando... he wouldn't do that. He couldn't. I guess he didn't give me any specifics about what he was doing over the past few days but still! Surely not, not after I opened up to him so much at dinner. The photos do look real and she must be telling the truth about being a photographer, otherwise she wouldn't know who I am. Dammit, just when I thought I had found someone I can trust. Maybe there's another story to it though, it might just be a friend. Although, if it was a friend I'm not sure I would want him to get so close with her. Should I confront Lando? I'm definitely not going to leave it. I could go on the trip to France with him and see how he acts.

I sent the pictures to Charlie so that she could tell me what to do. 'THAT DICK! DUMP HIS ASS!' she said, making me laugh. I can always rely on Charlie to make everything dramatic. I'm so tempted to message him but I want to see how he reacts in person. If I send him a text, then he could just think of an excuse. This seriously can't be happening to me, why can't I just have a normal loving boyfriend instead of a cheating, assulting, lying man?


Lando messaged me on Thursday morning confirming that we would be going together on his jet to France. At least it would get me there quicker, but I'm not sure I really want to spend time with that man. I really hope that I don't know the full story, but from my pervious expiriences of men I think I would be lying to myself if I said that I had hope.

On wednesday, I met Lando at the airport. "you're in a good mood" I said, when I saw him. "I'm just happy that I can race this weekend. It would be so bad if I had to miss out on points." I nodded, "sure, that's great" I said, not really interested. "Are you alright? You seem a bit down". I smiled at him, "all good." We got on the plane but it was only a short flight so I sat next to Sandra while Lando talked to his strategist. Sandra ignored me for the whole flight, but I was kinda happy about that, I wasn't in the mood to talk. When we touched down in France, I got a taxi to the hotel that all the drivers are staying at, Lando said that he would join me later after he had chacked in with the team. I got to my room and unpacked. It was such a nice hotel that I would never be able to afford by myself. I decided to go swimming to try and forget about the Lando sitch. I looked in my suitcase but all I could find was my tiny bikini. Damn, I packed in the dark and must have picked this one up. It barely covered anything and made me feel very self concious but surely in France there would be other people not wearing much, right?

I decided to go with the bikini and put some linin shorts and a shirt on over the top. I walked down to the pool and saw that it was practicly empty, what a result. I took my clothes off and dived in. It's annoying that I got my hair wet but I will have time to wash it before tomorrow. I swam a few lengths of the pool, pushing myself as hard as I could. I always found the feeling of exersize relaxing and this was no different. After exhausting myself, I was about to get out of the pool when I saw a shadow come over me. I looked up and saw George. "Hey, you're Lando's girlfriend right?" I pulled myself out of the pool and stood up, "yeah, Annalise." I held my hand out to shake his, but he just stared at me, or rather my body. He snapped out of it and shook my hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you Annalise. I'm George, I race with Lando. He's quite a good friend actually, I'm surprised that I haven't met you before." I smiled, "Well Lando does like to keep secrets." I said. "what do you mean?" George asked. I probably shouldn't have said that but it just came out. "oh nothing, just a joke." He laughed awkwardly. "Do you mind if I join you? I was about to swim." I nodded, "sure, I've just finished so you can have the pool to yourself." He smiled and then dived in. He was quite good looking, I could see myself being attracted to him if he wasn't Lando's friend."

I spent a bit longer sitting by the pool, reading my book. It was dinner time by the time that I got back to my room. I had messaged Lando an hour ago asking if he wanted to go out to dinner with me but I got no reply so I decided to go to the restaurant in the hotel by myself. I sat down at a table for two and looked at the menu. Everything was so fancy and the only thing I understood was calamari so I ordered that, plus it's amazing. I was just about to order dessert when a voice said, "Le gâteau au chocolat est super ici". I looked up and saw Pierre, sat in the chair across from me. "You just can't resist me, can you?" I say. He smirked, "It's hard to resist something so delicous." I laughed, "eww, that was the worst pick up line ever". He smiled again, "maybe you should just stop resisting." "never. Now please leave me in peace whileI have my Le gateau au chocolat." He raised an eyebrow, "I took french for 3 years, now scram." But he didn't leave, "Pierre, I've had a long week. I just need time to myself, away from all the annoyances in my life, which includes you." He nodded, "I understand, I'm sorry your date didn't show." He then winked and walked away. That man has a hugeeee ego, but he is kinda irresistable.

I went back up to my room after I paid and looked at my phone. There was a message from Lando saying,

'sorry doll, work went on for longer than I expected. I can come to your room later and we can talk? Lando xx'

I replied with:

"Don't bother, I will be asleep."

I know he's got to focus on the race and all that, but he doesn't seem to want to spend time with his new girlfriend. If this is what our whole relationship is going to be like then it would just be better to ditch earlier instead of later. Him cheating on me has definitly made me loose trust, I just need to confront him first. At least Pierre seems to want to talk to me the whole time.

Hey, I've enjoyed writing this chapter I hope you like it too! Trouble in paradise!

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