Chapter 26 - Lando Bloody Norris

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"Oi, Oi" I heard. I lifted my head off George's shoulder and saw Pierre's mates come out of the club, clearly drunk. I looked down at my phone and saw that it was 4:10 am, I had only slept for 40 minutes. 

"You're the famous Annalise." One of the guys said, getting the attention of everyone else. "Pierre's talked a lot about you." I looked at George but he wasn't awake yet. I nudged him slightly, feeling better if I knew he was there to back me up, but he still didn't wake up. 

"Funny, he's never talked about you," I said. The friend's chuckled but the one doing the talking didn't find it funny.

"I can see why he likes you, give us a kiss." He said, walking closer. I stood up, not wanting to get into a fight on the floor. I put on a disgusted face.

"I wouldn't be caught dead kissing you," I replied. It probably wasn't the best thing to say because he stepped forwards again. I stepped back, accidentally stepping on George's hand.

"Ow!" He shouted as he jerked awake. He looked up and saw the guys surrounding us. He must have worked out what was going on because he stood up. "You guys okay?" He asked the group.

"We're just having a chat with Annalise here, she has something we want." George looked down at me and I shrugged. I must have looked scared because George took a step towards the man.

"We just want to be left alone." For a second, it looked like the man was going to punch George but then Pierre walked outside. He saw his friends and then saw one of them squaring up to George. 

"Leave them alone Felix," Pierre said. The man backed down and joined the rest of the group. Pierre looked slightly confused but shot me a smile as if he was saying sorry. "I hope you had a good night Annalise." He said, walking away with his friends.

"What was that about?" George asked, but I couldn't give him an answer. I was more interested in the fact that Pierre had talked to his friends about me. Maybe he wasn't as confident as I thought.


We waited for Lando and Lewis to come out before we got a taxi. Lewis had clearly drunk too much and Lando nearly matched him. I had sobered up slightly from my power nap and George was completely sober.

"What time do your parents land Annalise?" George asked. Shit, I forgot about them.

"Umm, their flight gets in at 6am I think." George looked down at his watch.

"So, you have about 2 hours before they get home." I groaned, I was hoping to get some sleep. George laughed at this and said, "My shoulder's free for the taxi home." Lando overheard this and obviously wasn't too happy about it.

"Hey, if she's going to be sleeping on anyone's shoulder, it will be mine." He said, slurring his words. 

"Maybe you should have been there for her earlier then." George said in reply. I gave George a dig in the ribs, telling him to shut up, but Lando was already trying to work out what this meant.

"What happened earlier?" Lando asked, looking confused and annoyed at the same time. I stepped in this time. I had had enough of tonight and I just want to get home without anymore complications. 

"Nothing, I just needed George's help with something. How long till the uber gets here?" I asked George, changing the topic of conversation. Lando was so drunk that he didn't notice this so just carried on concentrating on walking in a straight line. 

It didn't take long to get home, there was very little traffic at 5am. Lewis and George shared my brothers old room and I helped Lando upstairs to my bedroom. I decided not to sleep and drink loads of coffee instead. I still had to clean the house from the pre going out session we had earlier and my parents would be here soon. They always have a clean house and when I was younger, I would spend hours cleaning it. I put Lando in my bed with a bowl next to him incase he needs to throw up and went down stairs. I turned the coffee machine on and started scrolling on Instagram. The first picture was of Charles with Carlos at a tennis match which reminded me, I might text him about the chat the other day, it really helped. Just as I opened messages on my phone, it started ringing and it was Charles.

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