Chapter 5

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Armin had already decided he would have to defeat Muka-Unta, the issue was finding him. Muka-Unta liked to roam around, destroying towns in his path. Muka-Unta had not been around Armin's area for a while. Armin thought about who would know, the closest to a dragon expert would have to be Naerthro. He walked over to The Elf's shop and asked what she thought . She informed him that he circles around a route around a large number of villages, he was last seen there around 14 months ago meaning that he would circle back in around 2 weeks. Armin took in this knowledge, paid Naerthro and left.

The next two weeks for Armin were spent preparing. He sharpened his axes. He trained Brashik in special flying techniques. He practiced aiming his lightning. Until eventually, the time came. Armin took off and flew to the nearby village. He noticed that everything was made of stone and there were many towers to defend against the dragon, who clearly came here somewhat often. Crimson flashed in his peripheral vision, he turned his head to see a cone of vicious flame erupting from the cruel mouth of Muka-Unta. Armin flew towards the dragon.

Suddenly, out of the clouds, dropped down a white dragon, covered in ice spikes, it crashed into Muka-Unta. Brashik nose-dived to the village as an epic fight commenced. The Ice Dragon spewed a powerful blast of ice. Muka-Unta's skin melted the ice instantly. He shrugged of the water and blasted the Ice Dragon with dark red flame. Muka-Unta charged into it, his jagged black spikes piercing its skin. The Iced Dragon turned and smacked Muka-Unta with its tail. The dragon blasted its ice. Muka-Unta blasted his fire. The two collided in a sphere of sheer power. The ice froze the fire as the fire melted the ice. The Ice dragon's beam started to dim in power. Muka-Unta reached its tail down below the Ice Dragon and stabbed it through the stomach. It let out an ear-piercing screech, sending shivers down Armin's spine. The Ice Dragon collapsed from the sky and fell to the ground. 

Brashik ruffled his wings. Armin mounted his beast and took to the sky, aiming to attack Muka-Unta while he was injured. Armin called upon the power of the sky and struck him with a humungous thunderbolt, the dragon growled; it wasn't hurt, it was excited. Muka-Unta flapped his wings aggressively, turning to face Armin. Brashik flew up to the dragon's injury and Armin threw his axes directly into it. Muka-Unta barely flinched, blood oozing out of his exposed flesh. Brashik narrowly avoided a swipe of Muka-Unta's tail, The Great Dragon flew back, sending Brashik away a few metres. Muka-Unta whipped its head back shortly before hurling forward again, sending a blazing vortex of abominable flame with it. Brashik nose-dived and Armin barely held on. Muka-Unta rotated its head towards Brashik's new location. Again Brashik just dodged. Muka-Unta turned around, slamming its tail into Brashik. Brashik began hurtling down to the ground. Armin panicked. Brashik was unconscious. Muka-Unta was flying away, with Armin's axes still in him. Armin thought for a moment, he could only survive by resuscitating Brashik; but how? He thought back to the underground cave. 'You are the vessel of the thunder, not your sword'. Armin figured it out. He raised his sword high and put his hand on Brashik's heart. They were almost at the ground. A volt of electricity shot into Brashik's heart, kickstarting it back into action. Brashik woke up dazed. The ground approached rapidly. Armin's heart dropped, they were seconds from certain death. Suddenly, Brashik swooped upwards, mere centimetres from the ground. Brashik slowed down and landed. Armin hugged Brashik, he had saved both their lives - and just in the nick of time. Armin turned to the horizon and saw Muka-Unta gliding away. Another year or so until he would come back. And Armin's axes were embedded on its back.

 Armin turned to the armoured village, greeted by nobody. He started walking into the village, it was completely empty. He walked into a house with an open door. Inside was a normal household. A family of four cowered in the corner. They stood up, shaking, and walked over to Armin.

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