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Three Months Later

"So how's the training going?" Becky asked Sasha as they were hanging out before RAW.

Sasha finally told everyone after about a month of off and on training. She was mostly sure of her decision, but still had a few doubts. Everyone was extremely supportive of her returning. Even the girls were coming in to help Sasha train. She did have a few doubts of ring rust or not being as good as she was when she'd come back, but everyone was very reassuring for her.

"Oh man, it's, uh, it's going." Sasha admitted. There were definitely some ups and downs, bumps in the road with training for a comeback. She was taking it one day at a time.

"Do you want me to come this week or next week and help you?" The Irish woman offered.

"That'd be awesome. I just wanna come back good. I don't wanna look washed up." She admitted with a sigh.

"That's what we're here for. We're all here to help. I got you Sash." Becky grinned, relieving Sasha. She thanked her as the two spent some more time together.

Once Becky had to go get ready for RAW, Sasha caught up with a few more friends. She loved getting to see them every week now that she was traveling with Seth. After they got ready, she finally found Seth as Brynn was sleeping in her arms.

"Someone finally taking a nap?" Seth asked with a smile, softly kissing his girlfriend.

"Mhm, finally. Going around and playing with everyone wore her out." She laughed a bit, looking at her boyfriend who was ready for Raw himself.

"What are you doing tonight?" She asked once they found somewhere to sit down.

"Joe and I are starting the story." He grinned, referring to Samoa Joe.

"Oooh yay! That'll be fun to watch." She excitedly smiled.

"Mhm, and my girls will be here to watch me." He smiled, kissing her again while the show began, the two enjoying their night at Raw.

I Love You So (Sasha Banks x Seth Rollins) Where stories live. Discover now