☆chapter 1☆

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Alexa and Megan are sitting in chairs for their chemotherapy, with Amelia, Alexa's little sister sitting on a couch in the room texting her best friend. Alexa and Megan are both on their phones when Katie, Alexa's best friend, enters from the door carrying a box of donuts.


"Hi! Your entertainment is here."
"Katie!" I hear Lex Laugh
"Hey, you started without me."Katie fake whines
"Yeah, I have VIP privileges here. Oh, donuts!" I look up
"Donuts?!" Jumping up, I open the box
"I got your favorites."
"Rainbow sprinkles? Chocolate?" Lex and I say simultaneously, I grab the chocolate one but see that there are no rainbow sprinkles "Where is it?"
"You didn't let me finish. I sort of ate it. Hey, it's a long walk from the donut place." Katie defends
"The donut place in the lobby?"Raising my eyebrows
"That's the one. Megan! Donut?"
Megan takes out her headphones "Ooh! Any rainbow sprinkles?" She asks checking the box
"Yeah, they were out." Katie Kat lies while I try not to laugh
Katie walks around Alexa's chair and takes off her purse.
"Oh, found our first-day-of-school outfits," Lex tells her
"Fancy!" I look over and sign
Yeah, and when we wear it, we have to look like this..." She poses "What's up m?" I look at her "I wish I could go with you guys, but no I'm still in middle school" I slump back on the couch
"Wait, does that mean Dr. Breitwieser cleared you for school?" Katie asks with hope "I'm starting high school this Monday just like everyone else. And I don't want anyone at school to know. I'd hate it if they treated me all weirdly.  Especially Gwenny Thompson. Can you imagine if she knew I'd been sick?"
"Oh, yeah. You guys might start being nice to each other."I roll my eyes at her
"That'd be horrible." Those to have been at it forever
"Ok, but when exactly is the doctor going to let you know you're clear? I mean, did he never have the first day of high school? Doesn't he know what this means to us?
"KATIE! Stop passing it's getting annoying" She ignores me
"Can you sit down, please? You're making me nervous around my IV."Lex jokes
"Wait, seriously? But I am... I so care--"She trips and I burst out laughing
"Ok maybe I will sit, and shut up mel"
I fall off the couch and roll on the floor till I'm just a giggling mess
" Oh, and he's calling my mom today at three, "I tell her once I'm calm
"What? Wait, why didn't you tell me?" She turns to her
"Because I knew you would go all Katie. And how did you know" She frowns looking down at me but I just shrug
"Go all Katie? I'm just saying, why call at three? You know, if he knows, he knows. I mean, why not one? Why not two? Why not... Oh, yeah, this is going all Katie." She nods
I hear nurse Lynda start talking from outside the room
" Are you kidding me?"
"Oh, what did you two do?"Katie looks worried and we laugh.
"Something fun." We say together again, I swear we're meant to be twins I mean we're only 11 months apart
Oh, she's coming.

Alexa and Katie pretend to read the magazine while I pretend to go on my phone as Nurse Lynda enters the room.
"You three? Of course!
Nurse Lynda lifts her hands to show her blue-dyed palms.
"Who put dye in the soap dispenser?"
"I don't know who did it, but the bottle says it comes off with vinegar." she points out to her
"Alexa, there are many reasons why I'm glad your treatments are almost over. Bye Amelia"
"Bye Lynda!"I wave still looking at the ceiling, I love that woman.
Nurse Lynda exits the room.

This is the story of how my sister beat cancer. When it all started, I started getting severely bad anxiety attacks because I thought I was going to lose my older sister. My therapist told me to write down the things I'm grateful for to help me be positive. That first day, it was for fruit snacks, my family, and my best friend. I've been grateful for Jackson a lot, but this time I'm super grateful for him. You'll see.

I walk into wired right next to Jax, my favorite person on earth. He walks over to get us a table and I go to the register. "One mocha latte please" After I get my coffee I walk over to Jax passing Jack, Katie's little brother on the way.
"Hey J...are you on a leash?"
"Katie's babysitting me" I nod
"Okay..anyways how are you?"
"I'm good!" He says smiling at me
"That's good, see you later j" I smile
"Bye Mel" I walk over to Jax smiling at Katie, Lex, Hannah, and Reagan on my way.
"Hey" Jax smiles at me and I return the favor
"Okay, the first day of 8th grade is coming up and I'm like really nervous" I look at him
"Why? We have all the same classes, Alexa and Katie are just one street away...and I'll be by your side the whole time" He says the last part softly grabbing my hand
"Yeah I-I guess your right" My face is most likely very red right now, I've sort over had this small, tiny crush on him
"And as long as your my best friend, you're never going through anything alone" I smile at him
"Okay let's go to lex" We stand up walking over to them, our hands never parting.
"Hey guys"
"Hey, Mia and Jackson" Jax sits down in the empty chair me standing since there's no more room but I let out a small squeal as I'm pulled into his lap.
I look back at him just to see his cute smug smile. I turn back to see all the girls open their schedules and look at them, except for Hannah.
"Group A!"The three who opened it yell
Hannah is squinting, I'm guessing scared to look.
"Hannah?" Reagan asks
"I'm afraid to look. Group... A! Thank goodness. I do not think I could eat noodles around strangers."She sighs and I slightly giggle.

Lia and Jaxजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें