☆chapter 2☆

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"So what do you want to do?" Amelia asks Jackson as she closes the door
"Let's watch a movie" He replies pulling her on the bed with him making her laugh.
"Okay, but i'm picking"Grabbing the remote she turns on top gun than lays her head on his chest and his hand rubs her back like muscle memory. About half way through the movie Jackson starts thinking about his feeling for the girl, and how he wanted to tell her was was afraid she wouldn't feel the same.
"Hey I forgot I needed to ask Lucas something" He tells Amelia
"As in my brother Lucas?"She slowly lifts her head "Why would you want to talk to him?" She laughs
"He's my friend you know" He laughs with her "You may be my best friend but I still like to talk to him"
She nods agreeing " Ok just don't take to long" Jackson gets up and opens the door. "I won't" He smiles and walks away, the door closing behind him.

I walk to Lucas's room knocking on the door.
"Oh hey man" He opens his door
"What do you need?" I take a deep breath and step in his room after he invited me inside
"So i don't know how to say this but-"
"It's about M, isn't it?" He looks at me . "How did you know?"I ask confused "Bro, I see the was you look at her, the was you always grab her hand, pull her in your lap...you love her don't you?" I think about it for a minute.
"Yeah i mean dude she's beautiful, nice, funny and amazing how could I not love her, I just don't know how to tell her or if she likes me..." Lucas let's out a deep breath "I'm going to ignore the fact that it's my little sister we're talking about but, don't just go and tell her you love her, wait a little bit. Your guy's back to school dance is the second week of school right?" I nod "Okay ask her to the dance, you can even do it later today so no one else can" Wow Lucas can actually be smart.
"Okay thanks bro" we do our handshake
"No problem, oh but no funny business" He glared and me as I leave the room. I run into Melly as i'm walking back to her room "Hey what are you doing?" "Oh hey, i'm heading to lex's room, wanna come?"She smiles are adorable little smile, "Yeah of course" She grabs my hand and pulls me into Alexa's room where clothes are being thrown everywhere.

"What is going on in here?"I drop Jax's hand and walk to my sister
"I have nothing to wear."She sighs
"You have my dress." Katie reminds her
"Eh."Lex and I say as I start digging through her clothes.
We hear a knock on the door and mom enters the room
" Hey. So, good news about school, right?" I look towards her and lex
"Wait you can go?" She nods smiling
"Yeah, I'm pumped." I hear mom sigh so I look at her and see something in her hand
"What's that?"Jax asks
"Just some notes from Alexa's doctor."
"What notes?" Alexa walks closer to mom
"Let's remember we just heard good news."
"Yeah, great. What notes?" She steals the notebook from mom and walks to her desk "Come right home when school ends. No extracurricular activities"
"It's just a few precautions."Mom sighs
"No physical activities? Mom, that means no basketball."Alexa raises her voice
"Well, you could be the team manager. You know, do the roster. Manager stuff."
"You could glitter your clipboard."
Alexa gives Katie an annoyed look
"Glitter's awesome." I hear katie mumble and I smile at her, her smiling back.
"Look, not every kid gets clearance from their doctor to go back to school this early. You're lucky."Mom tells her as Katie gets off of bed
"Lucky? That means no sports, dances, being in plays. All that leaves is going to class. Like, the worst part of school."
"That is a terrible attitude, young lady. Sorry, that was my mother talking. Honey, I know it sucks, but it's just for right now. You're getting better, and we don't want to risk that."Mom puts an arm around her
"I know. I just thought once school started, things would go back to normal."
"And they're on their way. Before you know it, you're gonna be lying to me about skipping homework instead of skipping naps."
" Gosh, I hope so." I laugh at lex
Mom than turned to me "By the way honey, you have a therapy session tomorrow at 11" She than walks out
"We're starting high school together! Let's celebrate."
"Hey you okay" Jax whispers in my ear and I turned to him
"Yeah um but can you come-
"With you tomorrow? Already planning on it" I wrap my arms around his waist and he squeezes me right
All right that was cute but, yeah. Yeah. Uh... Let's do something our moms will hate."
"I was thinking more of an ice cream cone. With dangerous toppings."
Alexa pulls Katie out of the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2023 ⏰

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