The Girl of 7 Privet Drive

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If Privet Drive was known for one thing, it was the order and plainness of its residents. The Dursleys of 4 Privet Drive certainly expected it out of their neighbors, and yet their home housed a secret that proved to cause disorder and anything but plainness. Just across the way, in 7 Privet Drive, there was another secret that was kept behind closed doors, one that was identical to that of 4 Privet Drive.

In 7 Privet Drive, the minister of the local church lived with his wife, four children, and energetic family dog. The minister, a man by the name of Jon Parsons, kept watch over his house with his strict rules and no-nonsense attitude. However, that didn't stop the children from living by their own rules.

The oldest child, Alice, was described by those that surrounded her as bright and full of life. She could be found enjoying her days in the yard whilst playing with her younger brothers and sister, drawing on any piece of paper she could get her hands on, or dancing around after her ballet lessons. That was, however, whenever she and her best friend were not escaping the groups of children that described them both as a bit odd.

Alice found it funny that people would call herself a bit odd, but she sometimes wondered if she could understand why her best friend was considered a bit odd. Sure he wore hand-me-down clothing from his cousin, and his glasses were askew and often broken, and he did have a peculiarly shaped scar on his forehead, but Harry Potter of 4 Privet Drive was about the nicest boy that she knew.

The younger Parsons siblings adored Harry just as much as they adored their own sister. After a church service, the siblings could be found playing with the Potter boy out in the courtyard until the Dursleys would huff and snatch him away to go home. There was often an irritation from the adults that lived on Privet Drive that Alice and Harry always seemed to attract the unusual.

Alice remembered one time when they were in class that their teacher had become cross with Harry during lessons, and the next thing that she knew, their teacher's wig had turned blue. Another time outside, Alice had been running away from Dudley and his gang of friends as they were running after her when Harry was home sick. Alice had remembered being terribly frightened before Dudley's shoelaces were, seemingly, magically tied and he tripped into a puddle of mud. Harry had found the story about his cousin to be rather funny the next day when he returned to classes.

Despite Mr. Parsons's desire for having a life devoid of the peculiar, that did not stop the peculiar from finding their family. It had been the spring of 1991 when the unthinkable, at least for the minister, happened. Alice had been turning eleven years old when an unusual visitor had knocked at the front door of 7 Privet Drive. 

A beautiful woman in long robes had stood on the front stoop introducing herself as Professor Aurora Sinistra of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Alice had instantly been fascinated by the woman's introduction, as were the other members of her family that had been there, but her father was gobsmacked at the insinuation that his daughter possessed magical abilities. Her mother, Jane, had calmly asked her husband to listen to what the woman had to say, but he had no interest in doing so.

Very apologetically, Alice went with her mother to walk Professor Sinistra to the door. The witch had told the two of how it wouldn't be wise to suppress Alice's abilities as she grew older, Jane nodding her head as she listened to what the woman said. Looking over her shoulder in the direction of the sitting room, Jane lowered her voice and leaned towards Professor Sinistra just a tad.

"I think that her father just needs a bit more time to adjust to this news before we take her to get what she needs," Jane explained in a hushed whisper. "What if you call on us in a few weeks time. That way he can adjust to the idea of Alice attending your school in the fall term."

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