Detention and Conspiracies

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It was a restless night for Alice. Despite Hermione encouraging her to sleep, she found she couldn't. She found herself torn in different directions. She was upset that Hagrid had given her detention. She was angry that the Slytherins had already taken to spreading rumors about what had taken place out in the paddock. She was furious with Malfoy for pretending he was more hurt than he truly was.

Awake before the other girls in her dorm, Alice decided to take parchment in her hand and walk down to the fireplace she could just barely hear crackling. Taking a quill and ink with her, she wrote a letter to her siblings. She didn't leave a detail out as she recounted Malfoy's jealousy of Harry all the way to his having been knocked to the ground.

Footsteps padded against the stairs, a figure popping up as Alice sighed and put the parchment to the side. A familiar head of red hair clicked his tongue as he came to sit beside her.

"Hi George," Alice sighed. 

"Heard you had trouble yesterday," he grinned. "Fred was rather proud of you when he heard what you said to that prat."

"Well, I have a detention today, so it's not exactly my greatest achievement," she mumbled. "I just finished a letter to my siblings about it. I have no doubt that my brothers will ask all sorts of questions about it."

"Why were you given a detention?" George grabbed a fire stoker, poking the logs and provoking the flames. "From what I heard, you just told Malfoy what he needed to hear."

"I did," she nodded. "Hagrid had me go with him to the hospital wing when he took Malfoy. Of course, the prat was moaning and groaning as if he were actually dying. When Hagrid and Pomfrey left us alone in there, I found out he was faking. He called me a mudblood."

"What?" his head whipped at her, eyes widened and jaw dropped. "I would have hoped that after last year he wouldn't take to calling people something like that."

"Well he did," she frowned. "I called him a wanker and squeezed the gash on his arm as tight as I could. I know it wasn't the proper thing to do, but I was just mad."

"As anyone would be," he reminded her.

"Anyway, Snape was able to convince Hagrid that I needed to be given a detention and so now, I get to go to Hagrid's after my classes."

"Bloody stupid that is," George frowned. "I'm sorry."

"I'm supposed to meet Jessica down there," she continued.

"Jessica?" George's smile lit up as he patted her gently on the arm. "You'll be in good hands. She won't have you do anything terrifying."

"That may be, but I don't know her," Alice reminded him. "You've known her for a long time. You know, I know that Harry is one of my best friends and that he hates him, but I didn't think that Malfoy and I had that much of an issue with one another."

"He's a git," George grinned. "He's got that much of an issue with everyone he meets."

"I just dread to hear what he's told people already," she sighed.

"You could always change your appearance for the day and go to class that way," he shrugged and laughed when he saw Alice's unamused glare. "It's going to be alright. I mean, the Slytherins are a bit thick to begin with, aren't they?"

"I don't think it's just the Slytherins that are a bit thick," she sighed. "It's the problem with him having any ounce of charm. I see past it, but there are those who don't."

"Is it charm? Or are people just scared of his family's reputation?" he pointed out with a sigh of his own. "Alice, don't worry about what he's said or told people. And as far as your detention goes, don't worry about it. Jessica had plenty of detentions in her day, so we all know she won't put you through anything tedious or annoying."

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