Plans at Dinner

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Iris gathered as much material on the Foncé royalty as they could, plus the reports, and hurried to their room. They found family connections to Prince Léon and putting those facts into a kidnapping mission would be too good

Iris you are just a marvelous genius. Once Father hears this plan, there's no way he'll back down!

Despite being confident in the original idea, they had to revise the plan a good many times, plus consider the information they don't have and factor that in as well. By the time Iris had finished, it was already dinner time. They took the multiple parts to the plan and left for the dining hall

Their mother, Lady Antoinette, sat on her husband's left. She wore beautiful rosy silk as a skirt of her dress, a golden boddess and teal satin flowed from her shoulders. Her soft lavender hair was worn in a half-up half-down bun with a floral hair ornament

A/N: Antoinette's outfit

A/N: Antoinette's outfit

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"Good evening Iris" Antoinette said smoothly "have you been overworking yourself? You know it's bad for your mental health" Iris just sat on her father's right, making sure the plans were well out of the way of food

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"Good evening Iris" Antoinette said smoothly "have you been overworking yourself? You know it's bad for your mental health" Iris just sat on her father's right, making sure the plans were well out of the way of food

"No Mother, I haven't been working more than usual. Father, I have devised a plan. You said you would hear me out" They said with a small smile. Their mother's green eyes also looked to the captain with a curious sparkle about them

"I did say that. Alright Iris, let's hear it" Iris smiled brighter, then gathered their papers as their parents started on dinner

"Ok so I looked through Prince Léon's ancestry, and I've found out he's the cousin of the Crown Princess Valerie of Déclin. I was thinking, if we could get Valerie then he'd have to let up on his attacks. Obviously we use her as leverage. But what's great is that she's the crown princess to the main Foncé kingdom! If we can kidnap her, then we're on our way to winning the war!" Théodore looked like he was about to object but Iris interrupted

"Yes Father, I know. We don't have information on the Déclin palace. So that's why I'm thinking we send out just a handful of men to spy and learn the schedules so that we can plan for the time to strike. Father, don't you see? It's flawless! We kidnap Princess Valerie, we have leverage, Prince Léon won't hurt us, then boom! War won" Their parents looked at each other, then their dad thought about it in depth

"I agree. This plan is the best I've heard so far about a kidnapping mission. I'll look it over again for safe measure after dinner, so why don't you feed your brain with healthy food?" Iris curtly nodded and sat back down, giddy that their father actually liked it

"If we do capture her Iris, what then? Where do we put her and what do we do with her?" Théodore asked after a few moments

"Well Father, we put her in our most secure prison. We put the shackles with magic surpressing toxins on her and we interrogate her"

"What happens if she doesn't cooperate with the interrogation? She has a high reputation of not breaking under pressure. The Foncé call her the Stone-Faced Princess after all" Iris frowned a little

"Oh, she'll cooperate. I know she will"

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