New Perspective

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Iris burst into their father's office the next morning, making the poor captain jolt in surprise

"FATHER I HAVE DONE IT" They said, slamming the paperwork of the plan on his desk. Théodore sputtered a little, but one look at his sleep deprived kid and he quickly read it through. By the time he finished, he was nodding and looking serious

"Well...?" Iris asked anxiously. He sat back and thought, his right hand covering his mouth as per habit and refrain from showing his mumbling

"This can work" He said, still nodding

"I can rally up enough men by tomorrow, then we can accomplish this by next month at the earliest" Iris scoffed

"A month? Can't it be faster?" Théodore glared at them

"My men need to travel and rest Iris. The way their kingdoms are set up is like a spiral" he drew a spiral pattern with his finger on his desk "Their main kingdom, which is where Princess Valerie is, is at the heart of it all, with the lower ranking kingdoms circling. Ours is more of a pyramid, our main is at the top and the rest of the kingdoms fill out the triangle" He made a visual with his hands again

"Yes, I know this-"

"So therefore Noble Iris, with us being ranked #3 and Princess Valerie at the very center, it's going to take a long time to travel and then act out the mission" Iris just stood there, arms crossed, then sighed

"You're right...I'm sorry" They excused themselves and went on about their daily routine, their mind only on getting that retched princess and winning this war


In the kingdom of Déclin, Princess Valerie was in the arena, training her combat magic. She threw fire, shot ice spears, and some shadow magic at her opponent all while jumping and doing arial tricks. Her sparring partner was good though. He managed to dodge, throw magic her way, and catch her off guard one time. Her trainer ended the session just as each were about to attack

"Excellent. Princess, your form and control are marvelous. However, you might want to look into a more variety of defense spells and spells in general. Nobleman Gabriel, your defense is strong, but you need to find more opportunities to strike when the opponent is close, not when they retract" The two students nodded and were dismissed

Valerie just walked off, wanting to go to the library to read and relax. The other reason was because she heard some reports came in about the war, and she wanted to read those

"Valerie! Wait a little" Gabriel called. She sighed and waited, crossing her arms and looking back at him with an emotionless glare

"Geez, you look like you're plotting my murder" He joked as he came up next to her. He kissed her forehead

"Come on, stop being so uptight, loosen up!" Valerie scoffed and walked onward, her boyfriend's arm around her waist

"How can I loosen up when we are at war? My cousin has been sent out, who do you think is next? Me" Gabriel rolled his eyes

"Come on Val, Léon is strong. All the reports say he's been vanquishing the Soleil troops without serious injury. Besides, I wanna spend some time with you" She looked at him curiously, an eyebrow raised as he just chuckled

"As long as it's not distracting, I suppose that can be arranged" The tall man kissed her cheek and walked with her, a smile on both of their faces

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