Chapter 27

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In only a matter of seconds, I was back in my human form. My jacket that I had put on the night before was still on, and my shoes were still there, but my wolf was gone. I was sad to return to my human form, but I was glad I could talk again. I looked around as my friends began to return to their human forms as well. There was a silence that filled the air as we began to walk back towards the cabin. As sad as everyone was to have to return to their human lives, I was excited to be able to talk about my experiences with my friends. As we walked up the stairs and into the cabin, I began to smile. Everyone looked at me with anxious expressions and I let out a whimper of excitement. Lilly walked over to me and gave me a hug.

"So," she began. "What did you think?" I looked at her and smiled.

"I totally get it now. It was incredible. Colors were more vibrant, sounds were more clear, smells were stronger, everything was just so amazing! It was more than I could have ever imagined," I shouted in excitement. Lilly laughed and everyone gave me a group hug before we decided to take a nap. The cabin had enough rooms that I was the only one who had to share a bed. I slept with Lilly, and we were both asleep within seconds. I don't think I had been asleep for more than a few hours before I was awoken by the smell of wolf. It wasn't a familiar smell either, which meant that it wasn't someone from my pack. I opened my eyes, and standing in my doorway was a stormy-gray, male wolf. He was a larger-sized wolf with golden yellow eyes. I was frozen in my bed as I watched the wolf stare at me with cold eyes. He slowly took one step forward as he crept into my room. I could hear the wooden floor boards creak beneath the weight of his body as he cautiously placed a paw in my room. I became uneasy, and felt myself starting to transform. Lilly must have sensed it, because I felt a hand on my shoulder. I flinched at the sudden touch, but I maintained eye-contact with the wolf. I pulled one of my hands out from beneath the comforter, and saw my dark veins covering my arm and hand. I grabbed a hold of the sheet and slowly pulled it off. The wolf stepped closer, and began to growl. His eyes narrowed and his ears flattened against his head. He kept his haunches high and made himself appear bigger. Lilly sat up and grabbed my arm.

"Brooke, calm down," she whispered. I looked at her and noticed that she was only half-awake, but she could still tell that I was on the verge of transforming. I pushed her away, and slowly climbed out of bed. Lilly opened her eyes, and I watched as she shifted her gaze from me to the wolf. Then I watched as her eyes turned yellow. "Brooke, don't do it," she pleaded. I looked at her as my eyes also turned yellow.

"I'm sorry, but someone has to chase him out of here," I insisted. I looked at the wolf, and got down on his level. He snarled and snapped at me before looking over at Lilly. He noticed her yellow eyes as well and started walking towards her, so I growled at him. He looked over at me again and I had wolfed-out. I shook my mane and snarled at him. He walked towards me, and we began to circle each other. While I had him distracted, Lilly managed to wolf-out as well. He was so focused on me, that he didn't see her transform. By now, he was outnumbered, but he didn't seem to care. He backed us into a corner, and lunged towards me. He grabbed a hold of my neck, and began to sink his teeth into it. I yelped in pain as he pinned me to the ground in one fell swoop. Lilly tried to attack him from behind, but it was no use. He was easily twice her size. She would jump onto his back, and he would throw her off as if she weighed nothing at all. He tightened his grip on my neck, and I began to choke. The room was becoming dark, and just before I was about to blackout, Lilly let out a terrifying howl that echoed throughout the cabin. I was becoming limp as I struggled to break free, but this wolf was strong.

In a matter of seconds, the room was filled with my pack mates. The boys began to wolf-out, and they managed to get the wolf's attention away from me. They lured him out of my room, and chased him off the property. I laid on the floor in searing pain. I couldn't move, but I looked around and watched as Lilly became human along with the boys, and everyone was rushing to my side. I could hear them telling me I was going to be okay as I began to fade to black.

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