Chapter 40

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It was the end of the week, and Jet kept his word. He walked into his first class that morning, and if you had not known what had happened, you would not have been able to tell that anything was wrong with him. He was smiling and cheerful like he used to be. Austin wasn't amused with Jet's demeanor. We both knew he was not as happy as he was letting on to our peers. I looked up at Austin, and I heard a grunt come from his throat. He was still upset from the day prior, and appeared to have a short tolerance for anything related to his Alpha. I felt uneasy as he approached us. He smiled and greeted us like normal, but Austin walked away.

"I guess he's still mad at me then," Jet said softly. I sighed and nodded my head. Jet took his seat, and we survived the first class with no altercations. Jakob and I met up for lunch, and he told me that Jet seemed to be doing alright. I told him about Austin's attitude towards him, but Jakob didn't seem concerned.

"He's allowed to be mad at Jet, but don't worry about it. He will get over it in a day or two. When have you ever known Austin to be someone who holds grudges?" he asked. I looked up at him and said,

"Never, that's why I'm worried about him. Austin is kind, and respectful. I'd never seen him get angry until yesterday. The only other time he approached that level of intensity was when I was having my pre-transformation problems and he was trying to get my attention."

"You have to understand that our families have known each other for a long time. We were all raised around each other, so we have trusted Jet to be our 'acting Alpha' for years. He was always the level-headed one. He never got overly involved with girls, so his emotions were usually reliable and stable. Lilly changed everything for us. She changed him. Seeing Jet in this state, it's not really him. Austin is only trying to look out for everyone. Serena had a chance to be Alpha-in-training in the beginning, but my dad didn't feel like she had the aptitude for it. Austin and Samir were the same age, and neither showed more potential than the other. We're happy with Jet as the Alpha, but Austin knows what it takes, and he knows that Jet might not be able to care for us anymore," Jakob explained. I didn't know how to react. I always forgot how much history the Alverton pack had together before I came along. I forgot that there was a history with the boys, and that Jet had been an established Alpha for a while now. Jet's mental well-being was more important than I thought. I never understood what it took to be an Alpha until Lilly left us.

Jakob and I finished our lunch and went our separate ways. Towards the end of the day, I was heading to my final class when Jakob approached me. He asked if I had seen Jet recently, and told me he had heard there was a fight with his classmates. Austin came running towards us and asked us to follow him. Jet was standing in the hallway, facing the wall. Levi was facing towards him, and was interrogating him.

"What did you do to her?" Levi pressed. Jet pulled his hoodie over his head and turned around. "Lilly is gone, and I think it's your fault," he said once more.

"It's not my fault," Jet said quietly. Levi scoffed at him, and shoved his hands in his jacket pockets. Jakob and I exchanged nervous glances before looking up at Austin. His focus was intense, and was locked on Jet. We watched as Levi continued to press more questions on Jet. We stood at a distance, so as not to cause suspicion, and waited for what felt like the inevitable. Jet managed to keep his cool, despite being harassed by Levi. Jet started walking towards the bathroom when Levi pursued him.

"I know you chased her off. She probably left to get away from you! She was probably tired of dating someone who was older than her. I'll bet you made her feel like a child. Or maybe you abused her? Did you hurt Lilly?! Is that why she left?!" Levi persisted. Jet froze. I listened as our hearts stopped, and our blood ran cold. Levi was making horrible accusations towards Jet, with no evidence. The room fell silent, and we listened closely for Jet's heartbeat to increase. Austin was frozen solid, and wore no expression on his face. Jakob, on the other hand, had a single tear rolling down his cheek. We watched, with each second feeling like an hour, as Jet slowly turned around to face Levi. He pulled back his hoodie, revealing his messy, jet black hair, and stared at Levi. I saw a tear roll down his cheek as he opened his mouth to respond.

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