chapter five

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     "I could sing a song."

Percy turned to the girl, one eyebrow raised somewhat in amusement while he shook his head. "I do not think you should do that."

They'd been trailing a little ways away from the riverbank of the Phlegethon for a few hundred yards, and while Wren physically felt like she was breathing better (like her broken ribs were no longer crushing in on her lungs), the sulfuric air combined with the lingering burn of gasoline in her throat still didn't make for the best breathing combination. Even still, she scrunched her face up at the boy, "Hater."

"Are you trying to let all the monsters know that we're here?"

"I am trying to not be bored." Was her pointed response, "I am so bored. Please entertain me."

"And how am I supposed to do that?" Percy asked.

Wren grinned, "Well..."

Immediately he flicked her on the side of the head. "Wren Kelley."

"I wasn't even gonna say anything dirty!" She said, a glare on her face as she flicked him back, "As if you'd complain."

"Hey, I'm trying to keep a look out. I can't be distracted."

His words were only teasing, but Wren smirked up at the boy anyway. "You think I'm distracting?"

"We are literally in hell, and this is what you want to be doing?" Percy questioned, though he couldn't help but look amused at the actual glimmer of joy spread across the girls face.

"I was going to say that you should sing a song with me. You know, duet it up." Wren gave an over dramatic sigh, "Alas, you're a loser."

Percy snorted, "You are so not nice to me."

"You don't like me because I'm nice, Jackson."

At that he smiled, she did too. But also with her words came the disheartening recollection that they had been safe - safer, at least - hidden behind the walls of his room on the Argo II not very long ago.

And now they were drinking from a river of fire meant only to keep them alive in order to prolong their pain as they suffered through Tartarus.

Exactly the sort of karma Wren would have expected for deciding she didn't actually hate the son of Poseidon, if she was being honest.

Percy turned to her, about to speak when Wren's ears perked up. At first she thought she was delusional because it was just her and Percy down there, but then the voices got louder... and then they got closer. Wren grabbed ahold of Percy, yanking him behind the closest boulder, so close to the riverbank that the fire was tempted to ebb at their shoes as the heat rolled up at them.

Her hand had slapped over Percy's mouth as she pressed them both into the rock, his eyes glowing with a look of 'what the fuck' until he heard it to.

Voices. All female, all vaguely human. Arguing enough that Wren could discern there was at least a small group of them, all with uneven footsteps slowly scraping across the ground.

"Soon?" One of the voices asked, voice raspy as if she had been sipping on a Phlegethon smoothie.

"Oh my gods!" Another voiced whined, sounding like a teenaged girl who was exasperated with her friends, but that wasn't what caused Wren's skin to rise, "You guys are totally annoying! I told you, it's like three days from here!"

Her voice was familiar - too familiar.

"Is that..."

Percy's gripped Wren's wrist, pulling her hand away from covering his mouth. He was looking down at her with alarm, like he too recognized the voice.

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