Chapter 3

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You don't think you've taken a breath for the thirty-two seconds you've been standing here.

Your eyes are just locked onto Roseanne and she was staring back at you for the four seconds that followed you opening the door, but now she's looking down at the floor, apparently finding her white Chucks much more interesting than you. Or rather she doesn't know what to say to you and you understand that because you're not quite sure what to say either; but you're very aware that Jisoo's standing right in front of you, obviously seeing what's going on and you falter, forgetting the right etiquette for answering a damn door.

"Are you gonna let us in or shall I shut the door and we can knock again?" Jisoo quips and you're broken from your daze, making eye contact with your other friend.

"Oh, yeah, sorry," you mumble and stand aside, letting them through.

Your entire body tenses when Roseanne makes her way in, wringing her hands nervously in front of her and biting her lip, and you make a point not to breathe even now because you know exactly how she smells and it's intoxicating. Plus it'll make you think about last night and well, not appropriate.

So she just brushes past you and you shut the door, following her into the living room and trying not to think about how even though she looks beautiful naked, with jeans and a t-shirt on, she looks beautiful, too. It's like someone just gave you glasses and now you can see clearly. Damn it.

"Where are you baby?" Jisoo half-yells and you see Beth poke her head over the top of the sofa, widening with excitement as she spots her mom.

"Here, mommy!" Beth shouts back, jumping down from the sofa with an audible thump and sprinting toward Jisoo, jumping into her arms when she gets there.

You stand awkwardly next to Roseanne, not knowing what to say or do because now you're left alone with her. Well not alone, but you and Roseanne are about five steps from the door and Jisoo and Beth are in the living room so yeah, that totally counts as alone.

"So, Rosie?"

The blonde beside you lifts her head. "Yeah?"

"You're okay with looking after Beth now?"

Ah. You were wondering why Roseanne was here. Not that you didn't want her to be, but... Shit. You don't even know.

"Sure," she replies, tucking her hair behind her hair and you barely let your head twist, eyes sliding to the left to look at her. She doesn't stare back, and you know she knows you're looking at her because her eyes drop and she swallows audibly. Why won't she look at you?

"Great," Jisoo grunts as she picks up her daughter and hitches her on her hip, cradling her carefully.

"Wait," you say, finally processing that Roseanne's looking after Beth. "Where are you going?"

You eye her curiously and it's only now that you realize Jisoo's not wearing her work clothes, but a white and baby blue sundress. Her hair's a little tousled and you can tell she's wearing more make-up than usual, and you narrow your eyes. She's all dressed up. Why? And also, why didn't you notice when she walked in the door?

Oh, yeah. You were too involved in looking at your best friend who you just happened to have the most incredible sex with last night. That kind of thing tends to distract you.

"And why are you all dressed up?" You add.

Jisoo grins at you, her eyes flicking to Roseanne. "I have a date," she answers and looks down to Beth to see if the little girl heard but she's way too preoccupied with playing with her short blonde hair.

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