Chapter 10

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When you get back to the car, you move to the passenger side and open the door, ready to help Roseanne get in but when you tug her, she stands by the side of the car and looks at you. Not looks at you in the adoring way you're used to, but in a way that makes you think she wants to ask you something. So your eyes flick from side to side, wondering whether you should pretend like you can't see it because you don't know what she's going to ask, or just face it. In the end, you know you never really had a choice to you straighten up and twist your body back to her, grabbing both her hands again, your bodies facing each other.

"What you thinking?"

Roseanne pauses for a second, chewing on her lower lip. "Can I drive?" She asks and that wasn't what you were expecting but you guess it's slightly relieving.

"You wanna drive back?" You repeat, twisting your face. "Do you even know how to drive?"

You don't mean it to come out as rudely as it did, and you see the offense flash across blue eyes because you know Roseanne's sensitive about her knowledge.

"I just mean—I've never seen you drive," you blurt out, trying to save yourself.

Roseanne's face relaxes and she offers a smile. "That's why you're here," she responds and you begin smiling for no reason in particular.

"To teach you?" You question, lifting an eyebrow. Roseanne nods. "You want me to teach you how to drive?"

She bobs her head. "I mean, you don't have to but I thought—"

"No," you interject, shaking your head but then nodding it. "I'd like to."

Roseanne jumps up and down, her face splitting into the most excited grin and you take a moment to take in her features; the way her brow crinkles and how all her teeth are on show from how wide her smile is. How her eyes aren't just blue anymore, but a bright, sparkling color that sucks the air from your lungs because they're just so beautiful, and how her fingers clench that little tighter around yours and how she's pulling you close, one of her hands dropping from yours and the tips of them coming up to your jaw, adding the tiniest amount of pressure until the next thing you're aware of are the feel of warm lips pressing against your own.

Your eyes flutter shut, and you suck in a deep inhale through your nose as her nose nudges your cheek, her lips pressing harder into you. Her fingertips don't move from your jaw, just stroke over the skin and your lips quirk up at the touch, your heart swooning within your because she knows just what to say, just what to do and how to touch you to make your entire body tingle.

As soon you smile into the kiss, you feel Roseanne's lips mirror it and then you're both smiling so much you can't keep it up, so you break and open your eyes, staring at each other for a moment.

"What," you clear your throat, blood rushing to your face at how hoarse your voice is. "What was that for?"

Roseanne's head turns, her eyes going with it as she shrugs. "I don't know," she returns to meet your glance. "A thank you for teaching me."

You let out a small laugh. "You don't even know if I can teach you. I could be crap at it."

She ponders of it for a few seconds before scrunching her nose and shaking her head. "I have faith in you," she whispers and something about that makes your heart flutter a little. No-one's ever had faith in you before. But before you can thank her, or blush or even blurt out something embarrassing, she's kissing you on the cheek and skipping around to the driver's side, sliding in and throwing you a wink as she says, "Come on Miss Lopez. Teach me."

You stare with your mouth open for a good five seconds, thinking about how hot it'd be to do a little role play with Roseanne in the bedroom, before you stumble over your feet and climb into the car.

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