The Afterlife? : Chapter 2

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I woke up in cold sweat, and then I remembered what happened.


My head hurts, wait...

I looked up to look around my surroundings and all I see is...

Nothing, literally just nothing like, nothing but Darkness or I think.

Is this the afterlife...?,no I can still feel my heart beating very loudly, isn't it supposed to stop when you die?

Unless I'm not dead... But how is that possible I clearly remember being shot by 4;¢3π. Then if I'm not dead then where am I?!

I take another look around and it's all the same wherever I look, it still the same black space that surrounds me, but I don't think its dark.

Why? Because if it were dark then I can't see myself but I see myself very clearly.
But there is no light, not at all to the point it's scary.

I try walking around just carefully for I'm still wary of my surroundings but even if I walk on for hours on end, it's the same damn thing, BLACK!

3 hours later...

I walk some more before deciding to rest,
Just where am I? C'mon think...!


Oh, what was that called again?


From what I remember voids are places where nothing exist, even time and space.
How did I end up here, is this like something kind of hell? I mean I did a lot of things but I don't particularly think I did something worth being in hell for. Did I?

No! Of course I haven't! But really how did I end up here?



2 weeks later ...



Ok, I'm still stuck and I found out something cool and kinda freaky. I found out I that I don't have to eat, drink or sleep but I do get tired.

It's been about a  week or so? I think. I don't know but I started to exercise back then I didn't have time nor the motivation to start it, but since I have all the time of the world I can!



2 weeks later...



I started to do try to remember every word I know, in alphabetical order. I'm starting to run out of things to do here.

And I progressively getting used to the void, although there's nothing to do, it still kinda weird.


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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 06, 2023 ⏰

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