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Important notes:

N/S = Nickname / (Wheel) SymbolY/N = Your Name

Bill has been reformed into a non-villain in this story line.


Bill is a triangle in this because triangle Bill is better than human Bill, FIGHT MEI see human Bill literally everywhere and it's hard to find ANY fan fictions with triangle Bill so I'm just gonna write one myself.Hope you enjoy!


You sat in your room, on your bed, alone, when you suddenly heard a high pitched noise throughout the downstairs of your house. Someone had rang your doorbell. You got up from your bed and made your journey down stairs, arriving at your front door. You then opened your door and looked at who had showed up. The one and the only dream demon that you've ever known is at your doorstep.

"Oh.. Hi, Bill.." You said quietly. Every once in a while, he would show up to your house for, usually, not any particular reason. It might sound weird, but it sometimes seems that the only thing he really wants to do is hangout. "Heya there, (N/S)! Whatcha up to? Are you busy?" His voice boomed. His triangular shape glowing for each word he spoke. You stared at him and smiled a bit before your lips faltered into a neutral position once again. "Eh, I'm not really up to anything right now. In all honestly, I'm bored. I have nothing to do at the moment." Bill raised his eyebrow and his expression turned into a happy looking one. "Welp, that's perfect!" He stormed into your house not even immediately after saying that. 

Bill looked around before spotting your staircase and floating to the second floor. You ran up the stairs to see where he was going and saw him in your room. He was ravaging through your stuff, currently looking through your many boxes and drawers. "Bill, what in God's name are you doing?" Bill ignored your question and continued rummaging through the various closed spaces scattered around in your room. He continued for a few minutes, confusing you and leaving you to wonder what he was doing and why he was doing it. "Ahah!" Bill exclaimed as he pulled out one of the many sketchbooks that were laying in a drawer. You weren't worried at first until you remembered the things you've drawn in it. You ran over to him and tried to grab the sketchbook out from his hands, but ultimately failed as he kept lifting himself higher and higher off of the ground, making it so that his arm is too high for you to reach. "Damn- BILL, DON'T LOOK THROUGH THAT! IF YOU DO, I won't hesitate to MURDER YOU!" You yelled at him.

He stared at you and started chuckling. "Hah, murder me? Don't be silly, N/S. You can't do jack to me." He snickers. You growled at him. "Why do you even want that book anyways?" You ask, with anger and worry flashing in your eyes. "Well, I see you drawing in it all the time. You're so strict about me not looking in it so I've decided to steal it from you and force you to helplessly watch as I slowly skim through each page one by one! And, based off of your reaction, I bet there's some preeetty juicy stuff in here!" He says with a slick tone, followed by a few loud chuckles. Your face starts turning red. "Please, Bill, there's a reason why I don't let you look in there. Just put it back!" You whine desperately. He looks at you, then looks back at the sketchbook, then looks at you again. "Hmm..." Where his supposive chin would be, he puts two fingers under his eye. He looks back at you with a "Hmph....."


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