Friendship and Kisses

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~Cammie's p.o.v~

~Mario's Pizzaria~

Lucy and I were sitting at our booth talking, catching up and eating pizza. "So let me ask something." I say to her. "Alright shoot." "What's up with the hair? I mean don't get me wrong, you look good and everything but what about when you become you know who, don't you think people at school are going to get a little suspicious?" She stayed silent for a bit thinking of a response before she said. "Hmm haven't really thought about that." She shrugged it off and went back to eating her pizza. "Really Luc? How are you not freaking out about this?" "I'm kidding, I'm kidding, I'll just tell people at school that I wanted to look like her or something. It's honestly not my biggest worry right now." "Alright if you say so.."

~Sabrina's p.o.v~

~Sabrina's loft~

"Wow, you live alone? And in this nice ass loft?" Jamie said. "Yeah well after my freshman year last year, both of my parents jobs took off and we became really rich. Daddy became a world famous surgeon, and Mom became a powerful business woman. So since I still wanted to stay here and keep going to school they bought me my loft and I've lived here ever since." "That must suck that they're gone all the time." "No, they make time for me every chance they get, and they're happy so I'm happy." "Oh." "Yeah so let's talk about that whole plan of yours." "Alright so here's my plan."

After hearing Jamie's plan I knew what I had to do. I couldn't tell Cammie or Lucy as I originally had planned to do, I'd end up losing Jamie's trust and she'd find some other way to hurt Cammie and Lucy. I knew that I'd have to go along with her plan and find another way to protect the girls even if that means getting hurt in the process.

~Two weeks later~

~Last Rehearsal~

~Cammie's p.o.v~

"How could you leave me? After all that we've been through?!" I said. "I'm sorry, but I have to! It's the only way to protect you from getting hurt." Lucy said. "Fine! Go! See if I care! I'm through with you!" I storm off the stage crying. "Excellent work people! I think we're finished, Cammie, Lucy great jobs today." Our director said to us. "You did great Cam, see I told you, you'd get better." Lucy said to me. "Thanks Luc."

After rehearsal I was walking to my car when I decided to call Sabrina. "Hey Cam, what's up?" "Hey nothing I just wanted to talk to you, since I've been busy all week with these damn rehearsals." "Oh that sucks, well are you free now?" "Yeah I am actually, do you want to hang out?" "Yeah for sure, come by to the loft and then we'll head out?" "Yeah sure." We hung up and I drove over to Sabrina's. I rung the door bell and Sabrina answered. "Hey come on in, I just need to get some things and then we could head out." "Alright cool." I don't know why I was acting so strange. Something felt different when I was talking to Sabrina. "Alright ready to go?" Sabrina said. "Cammie? Are you okay?" "Wha- Oh yeah I'm fine." "Are you sure?" "Yeah, yeah I'm good." "Okay umm well where do you want to go?" "Umm how about the beach?" "Sounds good to me, let's take my convertible." She said.

It was a hot day and the beach sounded perfect. We were lying ion our towels in our bathing suits, tanning. "So Cammie, what's with the randomly calling me and wanting to hangout? Don't get me wrong your my best friend, but you never do this. What's up? I can tell there is something wrong."

~Sabrina's p.o.v~

I knew there was something wrong with Cammie, I hated seeing her sad. It always broke my heart whenever she was sad. "What's up? I can tell there is something wrong." I said. Cammie sat up. She took her sunglasses off her face and looked at the ocean. She was silent for awhile, before she spoke. "Have you ever felt something for someone but then also felt something for someone else?" "No, what do you mean?" "You know how I feel about Lucy right? What we've been through and everything?" "Yeah of course." "Well the thing is, lately ever since Lucy and I became friends again, I just, I don't know I've kinda felt something for someone else, but at the same time I don't know if I'm just being confused. I mean I do like Lucy, don't get me wrong, but this other person, I just know that this person is going to always be there for me and take care of me and just I don't know care about me." "Well, do you think they feel the same way you do?" "I'm pretty sure they do." "Well as one of our best friends, I'd say that even though you still do like Lucy, give this person a try, but make sure that you make it clear to them that you also have feelings for someone else too otherwise you might hurt them." "Yeah I guess your right, I will go for it. Thanks Sab." She smiled at me. "Yeah of course, so if I may ask, who is the person that your talking about?" She got up and said. "How about instead of telling you, how about I show you?" "Alright." I got up and we started walking by the beach. We got to this area at the beach where there was no one in sight. "Umm Cam, there is no one here." "Yeah I know." "But I thought you were going to show me who the person that you liked was?" "I am." "But-" And thats when it happened. Cammie's lips were on my own. I was frozen in shock. She stopped kissing me and smiled. Her cheeks turned a shade of pink. "Yeah, umm so now you know why I've been acting all weird around you lately." "Oh." "Mmmhmm." We both smiled. I cupped her cheeks and kissed her, this time neither one of us froze and I swear bombs exploded in my stomach.


OH SHIT!! Betcha didn't expect that now did you? Well your welcome SabrinaxCammie shippers. So what do you guys think is gonna happen next? Who's gonna be with who? Who do you want to be with who? Who cares about Cammie more? What is Lucy going to do about her boxing career? And what about that kiss between Sab and Cam? What about the kiss thats going to happen at the end of the play? Comment, vote, and enjoy. Love you guys! Bye :)

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