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~Cammie's p.o.v~

        "Who-" Just as Lo was about to ask me something her phone started ringing. I'm guessing she thought I didn't hear but I did."Hello Mrs. Lucy. I'm here to pick you up." said the other persom on the other side of the phone. "Okay be right there." She said. "Well it was great meeting you Cammie, sorry our meet was so short. I hope you and that girl work out." She smiled, left money on the table and headed out the door. She looked back at me and waved goodbye. Oh Luce I fucking knew it was you. No wonder I fell in love with both of them. Alright Lucy, if your not gonna tell me who you are, then I'm just going to have to make this ten times harder for you. I had an evil smirk on my face as I had a plan as to what I was going to do. I started heading out of the diner as Sabrina called me,"CamCam where you going? Don't you wanna sit next to me and go to a movie when were done?"I heard the other girls talking about they didn't know about the movie. So that means they weren't going to go in the first place. Can't this girl leave me alone? I know she likes me but she is NEVER getting me, I'm sorry but no. Sabrina is pretty and all but no thanks. I prefer gorgeous brown haired girls named Lucy or in my case also named Lo. "No I'm gonna head out I've got some business to take care of." I smiled and left before she could say anything else. 

~Lucy's p.o.v~

        Thompson picked me up in the limmo and we headed to the signing. Thank god I made it to the signing just in time. I really didn't want to dissapoint all the people who showed up, and by the looks of the line I saw of the people outside there were alot. I went into my dressing room and a stylist came out and dressed me in high waisted shorts a crop top some converse and some bracelets. It was basically what I wore everyday anyways so I was really happy with it. Another woman came in and did my makeup. After she was done with my makeup she then put my hair in beach waves. Once we were all done I was standing behind a door waiting for someone to announce that I was here. After she announced my arrival and everything I sat at a table with a long line of people. The first was a teenage girl. "Hi" I said with a smile. After signing all of those pictures and everything I was exhausted! Thompson walked me back to the limmo and opened the door for me. "Thank you." I said as I got in. I sat down and I was about ready to pass out. I was hot and I needed to be cooled down so I opened the sun roof. Thompson said he needed to get gas. Once we stopped he went in to pay. I was on the virge of falling asleep when suddenly I heard someone crawl through the sun roof. "What the-" I ended mid sentence when I saw Cammie. Thank god I still had my highlights and contacts in. "Nice to see you again Lo." She said smiling like she didn't just crawl throught the sunroof. "Uhh why did you crawl through the sun roof?" I asked. "Well I saw it was open and we didn't get to talk all that much before so." She said smiling at me with a hint of mischief? in her eyes. "Well okay then." I said "Oh and I forgot something too." She said. "Wha-" Just then she crashed her lips on mine. I was shocked at first but then I started to kiss her back. I ran my hands through her hair as she wrapped her arms around my neck and deepened the kiss. She licked my bottom lip asking for entrance in which I accepted. Soon enough our tongues were fighting for dominance. We both broke away when Thompson said we were good to go. My mouth hung open as I looked at her. She smirked and said,"I got your phone awhile ago and put your number in my phone and mine in yours so I'll be texting you soon. Later gorgeous." She kissed me again, winked and climbed out the sun roof and left. She left me there with an open mouth and a red face.

~Cammie's p.ov~

        As soon as I got out of that limmo I couldn't help myself from giggling. I just kissed my bestfriend whom which I'm in love with but she doesn't know that I know that she is also Lo her pretend façade. I think I might just play with her for a bit. I headed straight home and went to bed with a big smile on my face. I kissed her. And soon enough I had a dream all about Lucy. When I woke up and had a grin on my face. Time to start messing with Lucy's head. I evily smirked at my thoughts. Yes, it sounds bad that I am messing with Lucy but you see she should've told me I would've kept her secret. So really all this is just payback for not trusting me. 

'Hey' I texted "Lo"

Lo: Hi

Me: Whatcha doing gorgeous?

Lo: Umm.. nothing at the moment, you?

Me: Nothing, want to hang out?

Lo: Do you need to talk or something?

Me: No I just wanted to ask you out on a date

Lo: Oh

Me:Yeah, so do you want to go out on a date with me? (I knew Lucy would make up some dumbass excuse but I'm always ahead of her and got it planned out so carefully that there's no way she could say no)

Lo: I can't really go out anywere public, sorry paparazzi :/

Me: Oh don't worry where we're going there won't be anyone else in sight 

Lo: Oh then alright

Me: Meet me at Denny's in forty?

Lo: okay..

~Lucy's p.o.v~

        Cammie just asked me as in Lo on a date. Shit what have I gotten myself into!! Ugh this is a mess!! I tried to make up a logical excuse but of course Cammie is always one step ahead. Ugh I'm so fucked. We were going to meet at that same Denny's again in forty minutes. "Guess I better get ready" I sighed as I walked towards the bathroom. This time it took me longer to get ready because I actually put on makeup. When I'm not training I wear it and when I am I don't. I put on some skinny jeans, a baseball t-shirt and put on my vans and had my driver take me to Denny's. Since Cammie knew what my car looked like when I'm myself and not Lo, I have to take the limmo. I got there and right when I was about to open the door to go inside someone grabbed me and pulled me away. Obviously I knew who it was right away otherwise I would've beat the living shit out of them. Cammie pulled me to her car and I thought we were going to get in but boy was I wrong. SHe pushed me up against the car and smashed her lips onto mine. At that point I couldn't control myself anymore. I pulled her closer to me deepening the kiss. I bit her bottom lip causing her to moan and right then and there I probably would've lost it if I wouldn't of stopped myself. We kissed for a bit more until we stopped to breathe. With her lust filled eyes Cammie said, "Maybe we should go." she had a tint of pink on her cheeks. "Yeah." I said. We got in the car and she told me I had to put on a blindfold. "Put it on." She said. "Umm no." I said. "Pleeeaassseee. You'll ruin the surprise if you don't wear it." She said with pleading eyes. I sighed,"Okay fine." She smiled and put the blindfold on me. She started the car and we were on our way to wherever the hell we are going. 

————-Author's Note————

Okay with this chapter I might end up changing it later on I dont know, I think when the story is finished I'll go through and re-read it and if I don't like parts of it I'll rewrite it. But other than that, I hope you're liking it so far :) Thanks for reading!

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