Chapter 11 - Acquainted

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After dinner, Copia asked me if I'd like to walk with him. It was freezing outside on that particular night, so we roamed the halls of the church enamored in conversation. Despite our apparent age difference, which I wouldn't have guessed before he told me, it was so easy to talk to him. He was smooth, yet awkward in his speech. He was hilarious even if he didn't mean to be sometimes.

"You know," he said. "I like to ride tricycles."

I tried to hold in my laughter. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah." It wasnt even a full second before we both started laughing. "The Clergy fucking hates it."

We stopped at his office, falling into the chairs at his desk with laughter. He pulled a bottle out from a desk drawer. I assumed it was either scotch or whiskey, but I don't know much about alcohol so it was a pure guess based on the golden color. He poured some into two glasses, and promptly downed his before giving me mine.

"Rough day?"

"Satan, yes. My father's been on my ass all day."

This was the first I'd heard of the dad. I don't think I'd ever met him, let alone seen him before. "Father? Does he live in the church too?"

"Oh, no. He passed away." He waved his hand dismissively and poured himself another drink.

It took me a moment to realize exactly what he'd said. Passed away?

"He's such a dickhead sometimes, it kills me." He dropped his head down onto the desk.

I nodded silently, still trying to piece together what the deal could be with this supposedly dead father. Copia raised his head only enough so that he could look at me.

"Tell me about your family."

"Eh, there's not much to hear. I don't want to bore you."

"Try me."

I cleared my throat, choking down the drink as it burned down my throat. "My dad is a highschool math teacher, my mom used to be an accountant but was able to retire early. They raised me Catholic and are still pretty devoted." I paused, deciding if I should go on or not. "My mom tries to be accepting of me but my dad really doesn't talk to me much anymore unless it's a holiday or something."

Copia raised one eyebrow. "Accept you for what, if you don't mind me asking? You don't have to say, of course."

"Well, I'm queer. I think. I don't really know. There was a whole thing with this guy, I'm sure you know what I mean." I quickly backtracked, throwing my hands up in disbelief at myself. "Sorry, I didn't mean to insinuate anything about you, I just meant that-"

He laughed, putting his head up to take another sip of his drink. "It's alright, really. Im happy that you trusted me enough to just come out to me like that."

I nodded, now feeling more motivated to down my drink like he had.

"Now that I've told you something, it's your turn. Is Sister Imperator your mom?"

We both paused, leaving the question hanging in the air. We then burst into laughter, him pouring us both another drink.

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