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You walked towards the gates of your college with AirPods in listening to your playlist you wasn't really paying attention to anything just lightly bopping your head to the beat. School wasn't that bad but you'd rather skip if you had the option too.

You walked towards the groups usual meet up spot minding your business, you was the first one at the table so you sat down bringing your knees up to your chest and resting your head on them. You was tired and didn't even wanna be at school you was still confused over how you felt about eren and it was causing you genuine stress. There was a cool breeze and you was comfortable in this position you just sat and thought about what to do while waiting for everyone else


"I think so"
"She looks so cute all sleepy"
"Why does she sleep in that position?"

You heard talking and laughing causing you to become slightly conscious but not enough to keep you awake

"Someone wake her up we got like 5 minutes"
"Why don't you wake her up connie??"
"Because I don't wanna"
"Wtv I'll do it"

You felt a hand on your shoulder moving and pushing you, your eyes fluttered open and looked up to see eren looking down at you, it had caught you completely off guard how fucking fine he looked making you jumped a little

"Relax, we got 5 minutes to get to class get up" eren stood straight offering you his hand, you looked at him like he was crazy due to your nervousness, the way he was looking at you brought back everything that happened on Saturday the images where running through your head the thought of eren pounding into you, you could feel yourself heating up

"Hey you okay, have you got a fever?" Eren crouched down to you placing his hand on your thigh and softly rubbing it, that was your final straw with him you felt like you was gonna throw up butterflies. You felt like a kid crushing on their older brothers friends and it was killing you because before the party you couldn't care less about eren but all of a sudden he was the only thing in your mind and you knew it was stupid because it had only been 2 days

You was cringing at the way he had you acting like a 4,1 blonde hair blue eyes white girl whos mum sold her to one direction, you wouldn't admit it ever but you knew you had a crush on eren and it was honestly the last thing you needed.

You snapped out of thought when eren tightened his grip on your thigh for a sec to get your attention

"Yes I feel sick, I'm going home now" you stood up as fast as possible and began speed walking out of the school and back to your apartment, you could hear your friends muttering in confusion since it was obvious that you was acting stupid asf for "no reason" and especially when eren was brought up.


MONDAY 12:37pm

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