She Knows

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She doesn't know what to do. Her head is throbbing. Her blood loss almost fatal. It was too close. We were too close. She knows what she is. What she has become. She knows who sent her. Them. She knows why. She knows. She was art. Crooked, imperfect. She has flaws. But she was theirs. Then they sacrificed her. They have drove her insane. She knows. The voices in her head, they go on and on and on and on. They go on. The same for him. They were one. They do not cease. They never cease. She knows it causes him excruciating pain. She knew he was hurt. She knew that he cannot stop. She knew he had a mission. She knew. She knew that they have etched mischief into his heart. They have killed off any spirit in him. Any love. She knew. But she was forced. To torture him. She knew it was painful. But it wasn't near as painful as the pain that he has inflicted on her. Nothing, nothing could compare. No physical pain. She was in agony. She wished, longed for it all to cease. Though she enjoyed seeing his tears. She enjoyed watching him die. Again, and again. Because of him, was she this way. Because of him, was she this malicious. Was she this malevolent. All because of him. Oh, how she longed for her family. How she wished she could be reunited with them all. But alas, she cannot. For the sake of them both, for the sake of him and her as one, for the sake of her world. For the sake of her family. For them- whole. For the sake of them all, she must stay alive. She must continue the their bloodline. 


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2023 ⏰

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