Chapter 1

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—(what is this noise?)

I think to myself, still trying to open my eyes, I feel like I don't open my eyes since a very long time, they hurt...and I hear this loud noise and I feel really dizzy it looks like I'm going up.

Finally I open my eyes and I see this weird boxes around me...what is this? W.C.K.D, that's what all the boxes have printed, are they the ones doing this to me? Why are they doing this? Why am I in a elevator? So many questions that won't be answered...

—(I just want this "ride" to end!)

I think to myself again talking about the elevator going up what makes me dizzy, and once I say that it stops, I hear footsteps and masculine voices approaching...What do I do? Well my dumbass mind thought let's pretend I'm dead, so I did, I lay down and close my eyes just to hear what this people have to say or do.

— Hey shank, help me with this!

I heard and in a sudden a bright light came in that elevator box and into my lids.

— A Girl? Is she alive?

- a girl? what? Oh my, she's something else... she's hot, she's really gorgeous for what I see from up here

Shit, only guy voices saying that...and ew so gross wht?

— I don't know, how could I?

— Well you definitely know her, she came right after you this is not normal!

— How is that my fault Gally?

Once they say this they come inside my box and my insists were punching one of them and try to run...So I did.

Authors Pov:

Riley opened her eyes and punched this shank, she didn't look much at him, but when she got up he grabbed her arm and looked right at her.

— Let me go!

She said looking at the boy, he had a really dark brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, a blue shirt and some cuts around his face.

— You just punched me!

— So what?

— I already like this Girl!

Gally says between laughs, he didn't had much hair, but it was brown a bit orange, and he looks a bit angry, or maybe are the eyebrows?

— Ok let's get her out.

The boys tried to help her out of the box but not successfully, she kept pushing them away, eventually gally grabbed her arm so strong and took her out.

— Hey that arm is mine alright?

He just sighs.

Riley's POV:

I hate this already, they're annoying and too bossy, I want to do things on my own, I don't need stupid men to do the things for me. I start to look around this place until I meet this eyes, these brown eyes, I know them...I know him, and I feel that he knows me too.

— Riley!?

He says to me and I smile.

— Nick?

I remember the name and once I say that he runs to me and hugs me.

— I knew, I always had hope....I knew you weren't dead!

I just smile still in his arms.

— I'm sorry... but did I miss a chapter or something?

A blonde, skinny and really handsome guy says pointing at us.

— Oh, this is my sister, remember? I told you and Alby about her when I arrived, I just remembered her out of everything...

— Oh yeah, I remember but it was a long time ago...

— Can someone please explain me what the hell is this place and why am I here?

I said but no answer, eveyone just kept looking at me like if I'm a peace of grilled meat ready to eat...

I'm screwed.


A/N: Heyy so this is the first chapter really short but I will do bigger ones I promise!!! I'll try to post nee chapters every week!!

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