1. Like a Moth to a Flame

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The idea of spending your last free Friday evening at a party was ridiculous and Jisoo knew that. But when she heard about some peculiar game-themed party hosted by someone from your university, she knew that it was a match made in heaven!

And you couldn't say no even though night outs or parties never were your thing, simply a waste of scarce resources which time is, you always said. And you couldn't afford that squander. However, gaming was your thing. Almost part of your personality at this point and maybe even a dream vocation.

And if your ride to the destination was full of hesitation and even guilt (you could have been studying or practicing instead of this), all of that was gone the minute you stepped into the house party.

The living room decorated with all possible Vision of Fate themed items left you in awe. You didn't even try to suppress your sudden squirm when you saw your favorite game characters on cupcakes. Looking around the room you're faced with groups of your peers: some are interested in simply getting drunk, some are playing PS5 and no one seems to pay attention to the little corner of VoF in the kitchen the same way as you do.

Even the loud music isn't bothering you once you're able to catch the familiar theme song from VoF remixed which makes it almost unrecognizable yet quite conducive for the party. Weird choice but you are almost intrigued by the dedication of the party's host to the game.

Somewhere on your way to the kitchen, you lost Jisoo in the crowd of people as she waved to you "I'll find you later, have fun!". Well, with all this food and PlayStation, you might spend your time here with joy.

"Finally someone's going to try these." you were so immersed in choosing between cupcakes with your favorite in-game characters, that you didn't notice a tall brunette approaching you. "I was looking from afar, wondering if those will be tasty."

You toss a look over your shoulder, taken back by a sudden comment from a stranger. You eye him up and down, making sure that this boy is not someone you are supposed to know. Of course, how would you know anyone at this party? Your life consisted of university classes and gaming practices. Somewhere in-between — your household duties. You are sure that Jisoo, who isn't even from your university, had more acquaintances here than you.

"So, you think I can actually eat this?" You try to sound unbothered, suppressing sudden excitement and nervousness in your voice. You find the stranger quite good-looking and, even though you're reluctant to admit that, getting his attention might make you feel things that you have long forgotten.

It feels like ages since the last time you've encountered anything closely resembling flirting, and maybe tonight's the night for allowing yourself a little bit more of what you're already spending your evening at a weird university party.

"Wouldn't make sense if it was just for the decor," replies the stranger, leaning on the kitchen counter; you feel his gaze studying you.

"What if you just wanna see me make a fool of myself?"

"Mmh not really into that type of shit," the brunette casually blurted. He takes a quick bite of one of the cupcakes that you were choosing between. The taste of it leaves his brows drawn in a frown and you expect him to complain about the savoriness of the pastry but instead, he adds, "I'm Jeon Jungkook, by the way."

"Nice to meet you, Jeon Jungkook." You introduce yourself too, gaining some confidence to ask the question that's been weighing on your mind, "You play VoF too?"

"Not really, just got interested in this little corner," he firmly replies. Met with your overt disappointment, Jungkook quickly adds, "And you? You like this?" he asks while motioning to all the themed designs and goods.

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