1. Welcome to JMA!!!

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Winter lifted his head, arching his back and yawning.The large mountain loomed in front of him, intimidating him.The IceWing shivered slightly, wrinkling his snout in disgust as dragonets swarmed past him, some quiet, and some deep in conversation with each other, like they already had friends.

Icicle let out a grunt from beside him as she was shoved by a MudWing who went barrelling past. She jerked away from Winter as her scales bumped into his, shooting him an irritated glare.
Her claws flexed against the stone ground as she made her way into the mountain, quickening her pace to speed ahead of him.

"Hello! Welcome to Jade Mountain Academy, the first and best school for everyone! You'll learn, make friends and most importantly, have fun!"a bubbly NightWing waved at them, a painful smile spreading across her face. "I'm your greeter, Fatespeaker! If you have any questions, feel free to ask! I'm all ears!"she laughed heartily.

Winter narrowed his eyes, a headache already forming as he gazed at her.
"Umm- I just need directions to my private cave."he huffed, Icicle rolling her eyes beside him.She had slunk back and was now glaring daggers at Fatespeaker, who seemed unfazed.

"Sure thing! Here's a map! The blue dot is where the dorms are.Your number is 223, and your sister's is 119!"she handed him a crinkly piece of paper, which he held tenderly, careful not to rip it. She then handed Icicle one, but the ungrateful IceWing princess's claws slid easily through the thin parchment.

"Have a great first day! Principal Tsunami's office is just down the hall if you have any further questions."
Fatespeaker waved a goodbye, turning to the next students. "Hello! Welcome to Jade Mountain Academy, the first and best school for everyone! You'll learn, make friends and most importantly, have fun!"

"How annoying,"Icicle grumbled, fixing her posture. "Welp, have fun, brother."she snorted, walking away in a random direction.

Winter rolled his eyes, starting toward the cave rooms.He growled as random dragons pushed past him or rammed into him.They stepped on his tail, talons and wings, letting out no more than a mere, 'sorry'.

Have they no respect? I'm Queen Glacier's nephew! I demand respect from these lowly peasants!
Why, if they knew who I was they wouldn't-

Winter let out a snarl as he collided with a bundle of black scales.He sliced out a talon instinctively and heard a whimper.He shook it off. "Be more careful."he snapped, hurrying past the dragon and toward his room.
All he caught was two mesmerizing jade eyes as she raced by.

"The nerve of these dragonets,"he muttered to himself, finally reaching cave number 223.He entered the room and claimed the polar bear rug, opening a pouch around his neck and pulling out a squirming scavenger.

"This is it, Bandit.We've reached this blasted school."Winter mumbled, setting the scavenger down and pulling out his cage.It was just big enough for Bandit to fit in, as Winter didn't have space to bring his bigger one.
He placed Bandit in the cage, then moved it to the corner of the room.

"I like the size of the room, I must say."Winter observed, seeing how spacious it was.There was an ice ledge beside him, a hammock swinging near the top, a pile of sand in another corner, and a big nest of feathers and moss on another ledge across from Winter.It almost appeared like there was supposed to be-

"Who're you talking to? Surely not that scavenger?"a shrill, over-friendly voice chimed from the doorway.Winter groaned, swivelling around to spot an eye-sore bundle of scales.
It was a medium sized SandWing, who appeared a bit smaller than Winter, or at least thinner.He had sand-coloured scales, an orange-ish underbelly, a jagged scar across his snout, dark, onyx eyes, a splatter of freckles across his face and a amber teardrop earring dangling from one ear.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?"Winter snapped, ignoring the strangers question.He stamped his foot, folding his wings to look regal.

"I'm Qibli, of course.The one and only! I'm pretty much Queen Thorn's favourite dragon."he sent Winter a charming smile, stepping a bit closer. "This is my room, which I suppose I share with you and mabye someone else?"

Winter narrowed his eyes. "I asked for a private cave,"he said slowly. "So you must be mistaken, sand-brain.Mabye you misheard something."

"I don't mishear things, Iceberg.I'm sure this is my room, too."Qibli grinned, swooping over to the sand pile. "Also I don't think this school has private caves.They seem to want us to mingle."

Winter's spikes ruffled angrily. "Excuse me! I am Queen Glacier's nephew! I demand respect, especially to a lowly Sand-bag! I think you should go away."Winter snarled, flicking his tail so hard, it knocked over a rack full of scrolls.

Qibli's eyes shimmered with amusement, and Winter averted his gaze, face hot with rage. "I deeply apologize, your majesty."he chaffed, bowing low and letting out a snicker.
"I didn't realize I was in the same room as such royalty as yours."

Winter let out a strange noise, one between deep offence and surprise.
He whirled around and stalked out of the room, heading for the principal's office.His claws clicked loudly on the ground as he stormed blindly down the hallway.

Qibli trotted to keep up, a confused look on his face. "Where are you going- uhhh, IceWing?"he asked, still not knowing Winter's name.

"None of your business."Winter growled, speeding up. "Now go away you creepy-stalker-assassin-thing."

"If you're looking for Tsunami's office, it's the other way."Qibli piped helpfully, ignoring Winter's words. "I studied the map."

"Whatever."Winter huffed, spinning around so fast, he began slightly dizzy.But he didn't let it show as he immediately began stomping forward.

Qibli smirked, keeping pace with him. "What's your name? You never told me.I feel like I should know, since, well, we share a cave and all."

"Not for long."Winter muttered, keeping his head high and his brows furrowed.He wanted to look intimidating, but he got the feeling that he wasn't.

"That's a weird name,"Qibli mused. "Prince Not-for-long of the IceWings.Buddy, I think your parents are bad at naming dragonets."

"Shut up."Winter snapped, shoving Qibli in the side with his wing.
The SandWing shivered, muttering, 'cold'.

He reached the Principal's office and pushed into it, surprising Tsunami, who was sleeping at her desk.
"Principal!"he shouted.

"HOLY MOTHER OF SEAWEED!"Tsunami yelped, startling awake and gazing wide-eyed at the two. "What on EARTH do you WANT!?"

"I demand that you give me a private cave."Winter explained coldly, glancing sideways to see a look of hurt on Qibli's face.

"It's day one, give it a chance,"Tsunami dismissed him with a wave of a talon. "Sunny picked Qibli just for you.Try to get along or what not."

"B-but..."Winter stuttered, trying to think of an argument.

"Now I have business to attend to, so goodbye for now.School starts tomorrow, your winglet will be assigned tonight, go look at the papers in the front hallway before you go to bed."Tsunami turned and started sorting through paper, ending the conversation.

Winter gritted his teeth, whirling around and heading back to his room, a smug, happy SandWing bouncing along behind him.

This is going to be terrible.

Utterly horrible.

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