Part 2

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Jenna's POV
As I'm packing my stuff, all of my emotions are just hitting me now, my vision starts to blur. I immediately shut it down because I'm not just gonna cry and since I don't have much time I start packing everything. Maybe about 2 1/2 hours later I'm finally done, I still haven't ate anything and I'm so hungry. As I was looking around Cassidy came into my room "hey Jenna, are you done packing" " um yeah I am" " perfect, let's get this loaded into the car" she says then flashes a big perfect smile, while I give her a small one. Here we go

When they get to Cassidy's house

As we are pulling into Cassidy's house I notice that it is pretty damn nice, we walk in and then Cassidy says "here come one Jenna, I'll show you your room" I nod and follow her. We come to a stop and she opens the door, inside is a beautiful like pink room

 We come to a stop and she opens the door, inside is a beautiful like pink room

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Something like this

"Ok here you are then, we can go get the rest of your boxes ok?" "Ok"
After I have everything in my room, I start unpacking. After I'm done I look around in satisfactory, I go change into a hoodie and sweat. I'm so tired from today so I lay down to rest my eyes but only for me to fall asleep.

The next time I wake up, it's the next day. My first shift is at 12 and it's 9 am now. So I get up and get ready, since I'm taking a double shift my first job is 12 to 5 pm then my second. Is 5 to 11 pm, I woke at 2 cafes and they pay really really good some how.

This is what she wore with her blazers

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This is what she wore with her blazers

I walk downstairs to see Cassidy and my dad, "hey where ya going" my dad asks "oh I'm going to work remember" "oh yeah" he says. "So me and Cass are going to do some grocery shopping, so what time will you be home" "around 11 tonight" "shit princess that is really late" " yeah I know but im taking yesterdays and todays shifts" he nods, I look at the time and see it's time to go so I tell them bye and head out.

At the second cafe
Im now wiping down tables from the people who had left, when my phone rings. It was an unknown number but answered it anyway "um hello" "hi this is the New York police department, I'm calling you to inform you that  your dad and mother have gotten into an accident"
"Um are you talking about james smith" I ask "yes and Cassidy see smith. if you can, can you come down to the crime scene?" She asked she wasn't being very kind with her words but her voice said it all, it was soft, gentle, a filled with sorrow. "Um of course where did it take place?" After she told me where it was I quickly told my boss what happened and flew out the door.

As I'm pulling up to the crime scene I see 2 ambulances I run over there and see my dad and Cassidy. "Excuse me what happened" I ask a officer near by "oh hi dear you must be Jenna smith" she starts, I nod" well you mom and dad have gotten into a car crash, bu-but they have died on impact. I'm so sorry" she says with a soft voice. That when I break down, not even a day after the divorce my dad dies. I hit the ground sobbing. I take out my phone and call my mom. "M-mom" I sob into the phone "hunny, sweetheart what happened"
"Dad, dad and Cassidy got into a car accident, they died on impact" I sob again into the phone, she gasped and said "we are on our way" "wait how do you know-" she cuts me off by saying "I have your location, stay where you are we'll be there in a minute. I love you" "o-ok love you too".

Hiii, I'm sure that some of you are maybe mad at me but idk. This didn't really turn out how I wanted it too but it ok. I hope y'all have a good day🥰🥰

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