1) 'CalPalHood'

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"So, today I'm gonna read over your comments and such. There are a few people asking me to do collabs with MikeyCliffo, and SuperheroAsh." Luke spoke to the camera smiling lightly while glancing over the comments and such. "Anyways, lets get into this!"

About an hour later Luke was cackling at some of these comments and questions, they just made little to no sense. "Oh my hell. Listen to this one guys."


"I can't fucking breathe guys." Luke laughed hysterically staring at his phone. Luke gained his composure and nodded at his camera as if saying "okay". "Alright, one more and then I'm gonna go take a bubble bath or drink. Hmmm... Probably drink." Luke laughed at himself.

'CalPalshoodie: You and CalPalHood should do a collab, it would be rad asf.'

"Who is this 'CalPalHood' you speak of hoodie man?" Luke asked his camera before grabbing his laptop and typing in the name on YouTube. He clicked on the most recent video and watched the guy on the screen laugh at his own stupid jokes and talk about his guitar and cat.

"Well, I'll contact this man child and try to grant you your wish Mr.Hoodie. Anyways, I'm gonna go drink and watch Game Of Thrones or something, farewell my little nuggets, sleep well!" Luke waved enthusiastically at the camera and smiled widely before clicking the 'off' button on the camera.

Now, time to talk to this 'Calum' kid Luke thought to himself before smirking and standing with his laptop in hand.

So, first chapter isn't fabulous but it isn't too horrible... I hope. Anyways, I hope this turns out how we plan because if so it will be rad as fuck. Anywhore, have a great day or night, whatever xD

Bye c:


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